If passed, HB1781 seeks to amend Section 43.357 of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code in order to allow the holder of a valid deer breeders permit to engage in the business of breeding breeder deer via cloning. If passed, both HB1001 and SB327 seek to amend Section 169.003 of the Texas Occupations Code to allow physicians in Texas to also prescribe low-THC cannabis to patients diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Box 15999 If passed, HB1490 seeks to amend Chapter 311, Subchapter A of Texas Health and Safety Code to state that hospitals in Texas shall disclose the hospitals cash price for each health care service regularly provided by the hospital. This disclosure must be made by posting the prices on the hospitals website (or in writing on request if the hospital does not have a website). Dan Patrick says he doesnt expect a push to legalize sports betting in Texas to go anywhere in this years legislative session. HB1199 & HB1274, if passed, would also amend Section 504.010 of the Texas Transportation Code to state that a person is entitled to operate on a public highway a passenger car or light truck that displays only one license plate if the plate is attached at the rear of the vehicle, and that the department shall issue only one license plate for attachment at the rear of a passenger car or light truck for which the plate is issued.. From police reform to legalized gambling and alcohol sales to digital license plates, heres a small sampling of the bills filed during Texas 87th legislative session. SB70 seeks to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to add a section titled Use of Force Reporting.. Texas law currently prohibits the consumption of alcoholic beverages during certain hours in a public place. Under HB1117, once a toll road is paid off, the road would become part of the state highway system and must be maintained by the commission (or shall continue to be maintained by the entity operating the project if certain criteria is not met). Today, we figured wed highlight some of these new proposed laws and explain exactly what they mean in simple terms. Temporary Event Authorizations. The amount paid, the amount that would have been paid, or the amount likely to be paid for the medical or health care services by a health benefit plan, workers compensation insurance, an employer-provided plan, Medicaid, Medicare, or another similar source available. Championed by the California Self Storage Association (CSSA) with . SB1737 seeks to amend Section 544.007 of Texas Transportation Code in order to allow cyclists and motorcyclists to proceed through a traffic-actuated red light if the traffic-control signal fails to register the motorcycle or bicycle. It also states that no person may sell, offer for sale, or deliver any liquor before 10 a.m. or after 9 p.m. on any other day. This bill seeks to disallow cities, counties and municipalities from enforcing more-restrictive laws or regulations relating to the use of wireless communication devices (i.e., phones) while operating a motor vehicle. No-Win No-Fee | Free Consultations. Banish 30. Requiring that a part or product be purchased from any vendor or supplier on the basis that the part or product is the least expensive part or product available. The bill also states that officers have a duty to intervene to stop or prevent another peace officer from using force against a person suspected of committing an offense if: Finally, a peace officer who witnesses the use of excessive force by another peace officer must also promptly make a detailed report of the incident and deliver the report to their supervisor. If passed, HB502 would amend Section 504.010 of the Texas Transportation Code to authorize the department to collect a fee of $50 per year from drivers who do not wish to display a front license plate on their registered vehicle. Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former top federal prosecutor, New York City mayor and lawyer to a president, had his law license suspended after a New York court ruled on Thursday that he . The bills further state that officers who violate this law may face civil actions (lawsuits) brought by the defendant in order to recover damages arising from said profiling (including attorneys fees and litigation costs), as well as injunctions against future violations of this law. California Self-Storage Lien-Law Bill Passes Senate If passed, HB3481 seeks to add Rosa Parks Day as an official state recognition day in order to honor Rosa Louise McCauley Parks for her courageous act of refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to protest segregation which helped launch the civil rights movement in the United States. If approved, Rosa Parks Day would fall on the 1st day of December. This law notably only applies to drivers reading, writing, or sending electronic messages, and does not address various other actions like browsing the internet, entering an address into Google Maps, scrolling through a music playlist, etc. If passed, SB585 would allow alcohol retailers to sell beer and wine (containing 17% or less alcohol by volume) for off-premise consumption on Sundays between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Now passed, this law takes effect immediately. The court may authorize this only if the presence of the dog or animal will assist the witness in providing testimony, the party petitioning for the order provides proof of liability insurance coverage in effect for the dog or animal, and the party petitions the court no later than the 14th day before the date of the court proceeding. Limit motorized scooters to one rider at a time. This made sense back when the Texas Legislature was first established in 1845 (and lawmakers had to travel to Austin by horse), but not so much anymore. HB929 (known as the Botham Jean Act or Bos Law) seeks to clean up ambiguous guidelines in Texas castle doctrine law, to clean up language regarding mistake of fact when used as a legal defense, as well as to standardize police body cam policy and increase police accountability and transparency with regard to body worn cameras. Disregarding a repair operation or cost identified by an estimating system, including the systems procedural pages and any repair, process, or procedure recommended by the original equipment manufacturer of a part or product. On October 1, 2021, new laws went into effect that change when your driver's license can be suspended. OR EMAIL US BELOW. The report will be due not later than March 1 of each even-numbered year, and must include a description of the means and strategies for meeting the agencys needs and managing the risks associated with the projected changes in weather, water availability, and climate variabilityincluding the identification of any financial resources that will be needed to carry out those means and strategies. Under HB477, money generated from the casinos would go toward residual windstorm insurance coverage and catastrophic flooding assistance in those areas. HB442, if passed, would effectively lower the prima facie speed limit of any residential street in Texas (located within in a municipality and not officially designated or marked as part of the state highway system) from 30 miles per hour down to 25 miles per hour. Offering, communicating, or suggesting in any manner that a particular repair person or facility will provide faster repair times, faster service, or more efficient claims handling than another repair person or facility. Among other things, HB833 also states that deadly force is only to be used by peace officers as a last resort, and that before using force, officers must attempt to de-escalate the situation and issue a warning that force will be used. If passed, both HB359 & SB1935 seek to amend Subchapter C, Chapter 1952 of Texas Insurance Code in order to remove this prerequisite. The force used is proportionate to the threat posed and to the seriousness of the alleged offense; The force used does not present a serious risk of injury to any person other than the actor or the person against whom the force is used; and. The bill would amend Chapter 1952 of the Texas Insurance Code to (among other things) restrict insurers and adjusters from: HB1119 seeks to amend Chapter 601 of the Texas Transportation Code to establish the Texas Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Program, which would use automatic license plate reader systems to help law enforcement agencies identify uninsured motor vehicles. Texas blue laws currently state that alcohol retailers may not sell wine or vinous liquor containing more than 17 percent alcohol by volume on Sundays. On the other hand, HB255 seeks to raise the minimum wage annually based on the consumer price index (called an adjusted minimum wage). If passed, SB70 would require every peace officer to submit a detailed report to their law enforcement agency regarding each incident in which the officer uses force, or witnesses another officer use force, against a person suspected of committing an offense. If passed, schools, preschools, kindergartens, nursery schools, day camps, or youth camps must determine whether a child is able to swim or is at risk when swimming, and provide the owner or operator of the body of water a written or electronic disclosure that clearly identifies each child who is unable to swim or is at risk when swimming. According to the bill, the comptroller shall determine the adjusted minimum wage on December 1 of each year by increasing the adjusted minimum wage for that calendar year by the percentage increase, if any, in the consumer price index for the 12 months preceding that date. The bill states that A peace officer may not intentionally use a choke hold, carotid artery hold, or similar neck restraint in searching or arresting a person unless the restraint is necessary to prevent serious bodily injury to or the death of the officer or another person.. If passed, HB3773 seeks to designate September 21 as Alzheimers Awareness Day in order to increase awareness of individuals who are suffering from dementia and to express appreciation to the caregivers of Alzheimers patients for the services and care provided to the patients.. Require motorized scooter riders to yield the right of way to pedestrians. A description of any attempt that was made by the peace officer to de-escalate the situation before the force was used (if applicable). SB209 also seeks to make any mandatory arbitration agreement covering disputes involving allegations of sexual assault or sexual harassment void and unenforceable. Under new law, unpaid tickets will no longer lead to suspended licenses If passed, the State of Texas (and each member state) shall conduct a statewide popular election for President and Vice President of the United States. The measure must now be approved by the State Assembly and be signed by Gov. Reinstating Your License. Currently, under Texas law, a district judge may issue an order for the installation and use of a mobile tracking device if an authorized peace officer submits an affidavit which states the facts and circumstances that provide a reasonable suspicion that criminal activity has been, is, or will be committed; and the installation and use of a mobile tracking device is likely to produce information that is material to an ongoing criminal investigation of that criminal activity. Right to repair refers to government legislation that is intended to allow consumers the ability to repair and modify their own consumer electronic devices, where otherwise the manufacturer of such devices requires the consumer to use only their offered services. Hospitals often place liens on claims where a victim receives medical services for injuries caused by an accident thats attributed to the negligence of another person. HB3141 seeks to require those who sell or resell tickets for a concert or other event in this state (including the operator of a ticket website) to disclose all fees charged in connection with the sale of a ticket for the event. The person entering into the settlement agreement on behalf of the minor must complete an affidavit or verified statement that attests that to the best of the persons knowledge, the minor will be fully compensated by the settlement, or that there is no practical way to obtain additional amounts from the party entering into the settlement agreement with the minor. LANSING - Over 73,000 people across Michigan whose driver's licenses were suspended for certain infractions can get back on the road as a new law takes effect Friday. Each of the Joint Resolutions listed above propose an amendment to the Texas constitution authorizing the legislature to legalize wagering on professional and collegiate sporting events in the State of Texas. Excerpt from the bill: Uniquely situated amid rugged mountains and below the spectacular West Texas sky, Fort Davis is beloved by residents and visitors alike, and it has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the Lone Star States top destinations.. likely played a role in the crash. Here's what you need to know. The officer arrests the person for an offense under Chapter 49, Penal Code, involving the operation of a motor vehicle or a watercraft; The person refuses the officers request to submit to the taking of a specimen voluntarily; The person was the operator of a motor vehicle or a watercraft involved in an accident that the officer reasonably believes occurred as a result of the offense; and. In, fact, most of them wont. Authorize force to be used by officers only after attempts to de-escalate a situation have failed. This bill also seeks to disallow ride operators from simultaneously operating more than one amusement ride at a time. Now passed, this law will take effect on 09/01/2021, but will not affect the enforceability of any provision in an insurance policy delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed before 01/01/2022. Each of the above bills seek to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure in order to add a section regarding law enforcement policies on discharging a firearm at a moving vehicle. Requiring that a vehicle be repaired with a part or product on the basis that its the least expensive part or product available. Tela Mange . A handler who is trained to manage the qualified facility dog or qualified therapy animal must accompany the dog or animal at a court proceeding, and courts may impose additional restrictions during the court proceeding. The lawyer also admitted to setting up a fake email account to help her falsely . You will need to provide proof of the following to apply for a driver license: U.S. HB390 aims to establish a human trafficking awareness and prevention training program for employees of commercial lodging establishments (i.e., hotels, motels, inns, etc). Many states, including Texas, currently allow minors under the age of 18 to get married if theyve received a court order removing the disabilities of minority (i.e., emancipation). The bills do not allow betting on any youth sports (those involving participants under 18 years old), orin the case of HB1121on any college sports games involving one or more Texas teams. If passed, HB3325 & SB1945 both seek to amend several sections of Texas Transportation Code (as well as portions of Texas Business & Commerce Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Penal Code, Education Code, Family Code, Government Code, Insurance Code, and Occupations Code) in order to replace the word accident (when used to describe a motor vehicle collision) with the word crash.. The person purchased the product from a retailer the person reasonably believed was authorized to sell a consumable hemp product. Lets take a look at some of the more-interesting ones. The amount of the hospitals charges for services provided to the injured individual during the first 100 days of the injured individuals hospitalization; or. HB1837 & SB2141 both seek to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure in order address (and prevent) motorcycle profiling by law enforcement officers. If passed, HB928 would define the term catfish as any species of the scientific family Ictaluridae. The term does not include any species of the scientific genus Pangasius, family Claridae or family Siluridae, including Swai fish (fish similar to catfish). If you were convicted of a DWI, your license can be suspended: For up to 2 years, if you are 21 years old or older. License Changes. The amount actually paid for the medical or health care services. It would also amend Section 38.15 of Texas Penal Code (interference with public duties) to add an affirmative defense to prosecution if the conduct engaged in by the defendant consisted only of filming, recording, photographing, documenting, or observing a peace officer, if before or while engaging in the conduct, the defendant obeyed any reasonable and lawful order by a peace officer to change the defendants proximity or position., HB1757 also seeks to amend Section 542.501 of Texas Transportation Code (willfully failing or refuse to comply with a lawful order) to state that the law does not apply to an order or direction to cease filming, recording, photographing, documenting, or observing a peace officer while the officer is engaged in the performance of official duties, although this does not prohibit a peace officer from giving the person a reasonable and lawful order or direction to change the persons proximity or position relative to a peace officer who is engaged in the performance of official duties., Lastly, HB1757 would also amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to state that if during the performance of the peace officers official duties a peace officer makes a video or audio recording of the officers interaction with a person, the peace officer must immediately disclose to the person that the officer is recording the interaction and the method by which the officer is making the recording, except if the peace officers interaction with a person occurs as part of an ongoing criminal investigation or if making the disclosure immediately would be unsafe, unrealistic, or impracticable.. The Lisa Torry Smith Act (HB2081 & SB1055) seeks to provide greater protection for pedestrians by amending Subchapter I, Chapter 545 of Texas Transportation Code to add a section on motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians or other vulnerable road used within an area of crosswalk., If passed, the bills would make it a Class A misdemeanor to cause bodily injury to a pedestrian or a person operating a bicycle, motor-assisted scooter, electronic personal assistive mobility device, neighborhood electric vehicle, or golf cart while negligently operating a motor vehicle within the area of a crosswalk. Consume alcoholic beverages on the businesss premises; or. If passed, HB43 seeks to amend Chapter 169 of Texas Occupations Code in order to give physicians the authority to prescribe medical cannabis (as opposed to low-THC cannabis) to patients when a physician determines that medical cannabis is a medically necessary treatment.. If passed, the Botham Jean Act (as introduced) would: SB 69 seeks to amend Subchapter E, Chapter 9 of the Texas Penal Code in order to add a section regarding prohibited techniques used by law enforcement officers in Texas. AUSTIN - More than 30 new state laws that will affect more than 500,000 Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) licensees will go into effect . The most versatile suppressor in the Banish line, the Banish 30 works with all of your rifle calibers from .17 to .30 caliber magnums. If passed, the bills seek to amend Article XVI of the Texas Constitution by adding that the state, acting under the exemption provisions of the Uniform Time Act of 1966, is exempt from the provisions of that law that establish daylight saving time. SB42, if passed, would seek to expand on this law by banning all hand-held mobile phone usage while driving (except when necessary to contact emergency services). Since this time, the noneconomic damages portion of a victims claim have been limited to an amount not to exceed $250,000regardless of whether or not the plaintiff was awarded more in court. Establish a safe distance of at least three (3) feet when passing pedestrians/cyclists in a car or light truck, and six (6) feet for operators of large trucks and commercial vehicles. SB130 seeks to adopt an agreement among the States to elect the President by national popular vote. Retailers are authorized to sell beer for on-premise consumption between 10:00 a.m. and noon if the beer is served to a customer in conjunction with the service of food. If passed, a bet under Texas law will not include any offer of a prize, award, or compensation to the participants in a fantasy or simulated game or contest which is determined by the accumulated statistical performances of the individual athletes on a participants fictional sports team.. Allow motorized scooters to be ridden on sidewalks. By Heather Navarro Published December 27, 2021 Updated on December 28, 2021 at 1:46 pm The new law will end license suspensions due to non-payment of traffic fines, while making affordable payment plans available (at 2% of a person's monthly income or $25/month, whichever is greater). If passed, fees for event tickets made available for sale on a ticket website must be posted on the website in a location easily accessible by ticket purchasers or potential ticket purchasers. If youre involved in an auto accident, under current Texas law, the other drivers insurance company has no obligation to disclose the limits of their insureds applicable liability policy (the total amount of money available to compensate a victim). The reform would also reinstate the licenses of people who currently have a suspended license due to non-payment of traffic fines. The driver responsible for the incident was cited with failure to yield, but was never charged. If passed, HB2572 seeks to amend Subtitle B, Title 4 of Texas Government Code in order to establish the Office of Law Enforcement Oversight for the purpose of monitoring the operations of law enforcement agencies in this state and the use of force practices of those agencies. Opponents often argue that scholarships are the only form of compensation they should receive. These signs read Please Dont Drink and Drive followed by In Memory Of and the name(s) of the victim(s). Search the Knowledge Base to find a . Suspensions & Reinstatements | Department of Public Safety If passed, HB3296 seeks to increase the monthly salary of any classroom teacher, full-time librarian, full-time school counselor, or full-time school nurse in Texas by an extra $400 for the 2021-2022 school year. Each of the four joint resolutions above propose an amendment to the Texas constitution which states that the legislature by law shall authorize and regulate the possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis for medical use in this state., These three bills seek to amend Chapter 487 of the Texas Health and Safety Code in order to lay the legal groundwork for medical marijuana sales in Texas. Documentation, replacement parts, and tools; and. HB2718, on the other hand, seeks to reduce the penalty for possession of a single e-cigarette containing THC or a tetrahydrocannabinol derivative/analogue from a state jail felony to a Class B misdemeanor. HB54 seeks to prohibit law enforcement departments in Texas from contracting with television crews to create reality shows. Each of the bills listed above seek to lay out the groundwork for legalizing and regulating the cultivation, manufacture, distribution, sale, testing, possession, and use of cannabis and cannabis products in Texas. It is important to note, though, that Lt. Gov. Currently, there is no specific penalty for turning off a camera during an investigation. In March of 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a waiver which permitted restaurants with a mixed beverage permit to offer beer, wine, and mixed drinks to-go with food purchases. If passed, both HB36 and HB219 seek to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to remove Confederate Heroes Day, which takes place on the 19th day of January. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 25, which eliminated the straight-ticket voting option (the option for voters to check one box to cast a ballot for every candidate from a single political party) starting in the year 2020. HB1404 seeks to amend Chapters 711 and 716 of Texas Health and Safety Code,as well as Section 651 of the Texas Occupations Code in order to permit the use of alkaline hydrolysis cremation (AKA bio-cremation, resomation, aquamation, green cremation, flameless cremation, or water cremation) with regard to human remains. Normally in a motor vehicle accident, if a passenger files a Personal Injury Protection (PIP) claim against the owner/operator of a vehicle they were riding in, the insurance company is entitled to an offset/credit/deduction equal to the amount they paid out. Some Texas abortion clinics were already turning patients away even before the state's harsh new abortion law went into effect at midnight. Clarify that mistake of fact could be raised to negate the legally required mental state of mind of the person using deadly force at the instant in time they choose to use that force. Did you know that Texas recognizes Confederate Heroes Day (honoring Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and other Confederate heroes) as an official state holiday? HB2728 seeks to amend Subchapter C, Chapter 662 of Texas Government Code (recognition days) to declare January 27 as International Holocaust Remembrance Day in order to commemorate the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and to honor the millions of victims of the Holocaust. Two years later, the district attorneys office presented evidence to a grand jury asking that they charge the accused driver with criminally negligent homicide. According to the text of the bill, a person who knows that a child has suffered a serious bodily injury caused by abuse or neglect shall immediately make a report to law enforcement and/or the appropriate licensing agency. If passed, HB4379 seeks to amend Sections 2301.252(a) and 2301.476 of Texas Occupations Code (as well as Section 503.029(a) of the Texas Transportation Code) in order to enable all-electric car manufacturers (e.g., Tesla) to sell their vehicles directly to consumersas long as the manufacturers line-make has never before been sold in this state through an independent franchised new motor vehicle dealership. These daycare facilities shall retain all recorded video required by this act for at least 30 days after the date the video is recorded. According to HB1121, any excess revenue made by the department (exceeding the expenses necessary to operate the platform) shall be deposited to the credit of the foundation school fund. Bring alcoholic beverages onto or possess alcoholic beverages on the businesss premises for the purpose of consumption by the person on the premises. SB435 & HB2271 both seek to amend Subchapter C, Chapter 418 of the Texas Government Code in order to add a section on Texas Pandemic Response Plan.. Emphasize conflict de-escalation and the use of force in a manner proportionate to the threat posed and to the seriousness of the alleged offense; Mandate that deadly force is only to be used by peace officers as a last resort; and. Each of the bills listed above, which were filed in response to the widespread electrical outages experienced during the catastrophic winter storm in February of 2021, seek to ensure that Texas has adequate reserve power to prevent blackout conditions caused by shortages of generated power in the ERCOT power region. The person possesses a product that purports by the products label to contain a consumable hemp product that is authorized under state or federal law; The product contains a controlled substance or marihuana, other than the substances extracted from hemp in the concentrations authorized by law; and. If passed, the bills would effectively disallow electric providers in the state from offering contracts for residential service at variable rates, and instead require companies to offer service under a fixed-price contract. This fee (which increases to $50 in some cases) does not apply to a suit filed by any governmental entity or to a suit for delinquent taxes. Practicing With Suspended License Brings Disbarment for Texas Attorney Similar to HB501 (above), HB243 seeks to adjust the amount of death benefits awarded in workers compensation cases equal the percentage increase (if any) in the Consumer Price Index. New Texas Suppressor Law Explained - Silencer Central Each of the three bills listed above seek to amend several sections of Texas Government Code (as well as the Civil Practice and Remedies Code, Family Code, Estates Code, Health and Safety Code, and Code of Criminal Procedure) in order to permit or require the attendance of a court hearing or proceeding remotely through the use of technology and the Internet..
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