american catholic surnames

#936 LIM Chinese surname meaning forest. #196 GRANT Large, great. #629 RICHARD Brave ruler. #556 SANTANA Follower of St. Anna. 0.00%, or 0 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic American Indian and Alaskan Native". #339 GREGORY Possibly from Gregorian monks, literally means watchful, awake. #544 BALLARD Nickname for a person who had a bald head. In Puerto Rico, as in many Hispanic cultures, the first surname comes from the father's first surname, and the second one comes from the mother's first surname. #623 KIRK Literally means church and could be a habitational surname for someone who lived near a church or occupational for someone who worked in a church, like a pastor. #729 ONEAL Son of Neal. #783 DEJESUS Follower of Jesus Christ. #737 VANCE From a low marshland. 1. Catholic, like all of the names we have data for, is identified by the U.S. Census Bureau as a surname which has more than 100 occurrences in the United States in the Decennial Census survey. #740 EATON From any number of towns called Eaton in the U.K. #804 SEXTON Occupational surname for someone who worked as a sexton, a warden of a church. Or a respelling of the Irish ODuilleain, meaning descendant of the blind one. Carbo is an occupational last name referring "to someone who sells, extracts coal, or lived by a coal outcrop". #295 WALSH Welsh, foreigner, stranger referring to Celt. #253 AUSTIN Family of Augustin/Augustine. Designed, directed, and managed high-quality marketing literature for medical education on procedures and products. 1408 Sqft. The first thing to understand about the patrilineal surnames commonly used in the United States is that they are not universal. the second son, after the mother's father. #840 RANDOLPH Shield Wolf. Most probably used for someone who was brave and formidable in battle. #823 GLASS Occupational surname for a glass blower. #933 HUBER German surname for the word hide, a unit of farm land. #227 PEA Lives near the rock or cliff. #680 KANE From the town of Caen, in Normandy, France. #62 MORRIS Dark-skinned, from the Moors. #686 GRIMES Viking surname meaning masked person, fierce. #662 ATKINS Family of Adam. If new parents make a point of discussing how to structure their childs last name, Mallinson said, they might open up space for a similar explosion of surnames. #833 FREDERICK Peace ruler. #578 RANGEL Spanish/Portuguese surname, meaning unknown. #271 ESPINOZA From the thorny area. #169 HUNT Hunter. Wassa was a feminine Anglo-Saxon given name. Charles is an interesting surname recorded in a wide range of spellings, including Carl, Carlo, Carlos, Carletti, Karlowicz, and De Carlo. In my case, my dad's surnames are "Dvila Estrada" and my mom's surnames are "Montero Caro" so mine are "Dvila Montero". #114 SIMMONS Family of Simon. #76 RAMOS Family from the wooded area. These are called occupational names. That proportion seems to have remained remarkably consistent: A 2017 paper studying adoptive heterosexual parents found that they gave a patrilineal surname to their child 96 percent of the time. Smith 6. #516 ANDRADE Habitational name for people who lived in the small parish of San Martio de Andrade in the town of Pontedeume, Galicia in Spain. All people were categorized into six mutually exclusive racial and Hispanic origin groups: "White only", "Black only", "American Indian and Alaskan Native only", "Asian and Pacific Islander only", "Two or More Races", and "Hispanic". #222 BERRY From the fortress, castle. (2021, February 16). #290 YANG Chinese surname meaning willow tree or aspen. #314 BARRETT Warlike person, quarrelsome. #887 MOSES Born of a god. #141 HARRISON Son of harry. #391 CHANG Chinese surname with many meanings. In 2007, when one researcher was studying state last-name policies, the New Hampshire DMV reported that its computer system couldnt add hyphens to last names. #844 HOUSE Habitational or occupational surname for someone who either owned a big mansion or worked in one. #638 VELEZ Visigoth surname meaning vigilant people. #919 VILLALOBOS From the town of Villalobos, Spain, meaning the village of wolves. What Kinds of Clothes Do They Wear in Ireland? The percentage of American babies born with the top 10 most popular first names for boys in their time has fallen dramatically in the past century, from 40 percent in the 1880s to 8 percent by . The most recent statistics we have for the Catholic surname is from the 2010 census data. #212 DUNCAN Irish surname from the Gaelic meaning brown chief. #650 SOSA Portuguese surname meaning from the salt water (salsa agua) #621 RANDALL Son of Rand/Rande. #5 JONES From the family of Jon/John. #218 ANDREWS Family of Andrew. Accessed 4 March, 2023. #592 HOUSTON From Hughs town. #529 LINDSEY From Lincolnshire or Lincoln Island. Leslie Odom, Jr. Has Welcomed His Second Child. The surname is a variant of two Irish surnames: " Murchadha"/" Murchadh" (descendant of "Murchadh"), . #28 RAMIREZ Son of Ramiro. #270 SIMS Family of Simon. #694 PARRISH Someone who lives near Paris, France or near a particular parish a geographical area defined by religion. #825 KNAPP Hilltop. #653 WYATT Brave warrior. But now that we have briefly explored the origins of names, lets take a look at 50 of the most popular and common last names in the United States. Or if youre curious about America as a whole, why not take our U.S. States Quiz and test your knowledge? #722 McCLAIN Scottish clan name, originally Mac Gille Eathain, meaning son of the servant of Saint John. #15 ANDERSON Son of Andrew. #503 BUCHANAN Locational surname from the area of Buchanan in Stirlingshire, UK. #563 McKENZIE Scottish Gaelic clan name meaning Son of Coinneach, literally meaning fair one. #8 DAVIS Son of David. Why? #812 BUCK Either descriptive or occupational surname for someone who resembled a male deer, or someone who traded in them. #97 LONG Surname from a nickname for someone who was tall. #917 HALEY From the hay clearing. #774 ORR Lives near a slope or shore. #757 MURILLO Lives near a boundary or wall. #971 COMPTON From the valley farm. #515 GIBBS Family of Gilbert (Gib was a nickname for Gilbert). Smith seems to be at the top of the list of the whitest names, followed by Johnson, Miller, Brown, Jones and Williams. Someone's last name tells you that somewhere along the line there was an Irish Catholic ancestor, but not that the contemporary person with that surname is either Catholic, Protestant or, for that matter, Irish. one of the teachings from the Catholic Church on the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Jim McDermott March 01, 2023. iStock. #819 McINTOSH Son of the chief, leader. #294 DAY From the family of David. #980 NOVAK The newcomer/new one. #868 PACE The peaceful one. #461 WU Chinese surname meaning gateway to heaven. #756 MERRITT Habitational surname for a family who came from Merriott in Somerset, UK. #622 SINGLETON Habitational surname of people who lived in a town named Singleton or in or near a burnt clearing. Moore 21. #484 INGRAM People from England. In fact, data from a Census Bureau study reveals that the number of Hispanic surnames in the top 25 doubled between 1990 and 2000. Some of the most influential ethnicities that have changed the fabric of American family names include Spanish, Portuguese, Scottish, Welsh, Irish, and English settlers who arrived on North American shores and brought their familial nomenclature with them. Not all features are available in every apartment. Different cultures have a variety of ways to choose given names, so its only fitting that the nomenclature of a surname, or last name, is just as complex. #60 REYES Literally translated to Kings, it refers to the phrase La Virgen de los Reyes, meaning the Virgin of the Kings. #302 ACOSTA From the coastal region. #347 JENNINGS Family of little John. #937 FRYE Born free. #128 BRYANT Family of Brian. #626 CHRISTIAN Follower of Christ. Adamik is a very common Polish surname which refers to 'a man' in Hebrew. She will then forward your query to the GGG member who submitted the surname. #570 WILKINS Family of William. #785 BERGER Either Swedish surname for someone who lived near a hill or mountain, or French for a shepherd (Bergere). #658 YU Various meanings. #762 CORDOVA Habitational surname for a family from the ancient city of Crdoba, Spain. 16. Even your best guess will do. #661 FOLEY From the old Gaelic surname, OFoghladha, meaning Descendant of the pirate. #249 MALDONADO Ill-favored. Literally means the beacon/lighthouse. Names rising in popularity over the past few decades include Nguyen, Lee, Zhang, Wong, and Kim. #890 DUNLAP From the fort by the muddy place. #231 CARPENTER Occupational surname for a carpenter. #539 VILLANUEVA From the new town. #27 CLARK Occupational surname for a clerk. #214 HUDSON Son of Hugh. #728 HENSON Son of Henry. #888 MAGANA Habitational name from either of the villages named Magaa, in Soria and Crdoba provinces in Spain. #378 MANN Strong, manly. #910 DELAROSA From the family of Rose, or from an area where wild roses grew. He was asking about an FBI memo citing . #525 FRENCH Person from France. Given to a young person who was excitable or energetic. McCarthy 14. #88 MENDOZA People who live near or are from the village of Mendoza, Spain. #522 LLOYD From the Welsh Llwyd, meaning grey. #585 BRYAN High, Noble. If you are curious about your own name, visit Family Name Search to discover the meanings and origins of last names. #220 RAY Ray of sunshine, or King. These can include Chavez, Diaz, Ruiz, Cruz, Gutierrez, Mendoza, Jimenez, and many others. (S), or less than 100 total occurrences, were "Non-Hispanic of Two or More Races". #47 CAMPBELL From the Latin De Bello Campo meaning from the beautiful field. Could also be from a Scottish/Gaelic nickname (cam bul) meaning crooked or sassy mouth. #151 FREEMAN A person who was not owned or ruled by another. #674 HUFFMAN Man/Steward of a farm. #859 HAHN German surname from the word hane meaning rooster, applied as a nickname for a conceited or sexually active man. #934 RICHMOND Habitational surname from any of the towns in England or northern France with that name. #349 DURAN Literally means durable, hard. #964 SPENCE Occupational surname for someone in charge of a pantry/goods in an estate. #548 CHARLES Free man. 1. #780 McKEE From the Gaelic surnameMac Aodh, literally meaning son of the fiery one. #564 HESS Person with hood/helmet. By the 1400s, Anthony wrote, when surnames were more commonly passed down directly from parent to child, plenty of children took their mothers or grandmothers last name. #79 WARD Guardian #17 TAYLOR From the family of the tailor. #918 PHAN Vietnamese surname of unknown meaning. #913 LUGO Habitational surname for families from the town of Lugo in Galicia, Spain. #404 CHANDLER Occupational surname for a candle-maker. Literally means a woody clearing. #542 STOKES From the Old English stoc meaning trunk of a tree. #447 BLAKE White complected or white haired. #150 CHEN Chinese surname meaning morning. #679 BOND Landowner who is bound by loyalty to the local lord. #574 ROTH German surname meaning red, used for a person with red hair. Aarons Aaronson Abadi Abate Abeles Abelman Abelson Abend Abendroth Aberman Abrahamson Abramov Abramovich Abramovitz Abramowitz Abramowski Abrams Abramson Abt Acker Ackermann Adamsky Adel Adelberg Adell Adelman Adelmann Adelson Adelstein Aderman Ades Adler Agar Agron Aguado Ahrens Akerman Akkerman Aksamit Alhadeff Alman Almen Almon Alon Alper #387 CERVANTES From old Spanish meaning servant or the word ciervo, meaning stag or a womans man. #216 LANE Irish surname from OLaighin, meaning the descendant of Laighean. For example, the actor Salma Hayek was born Salma Hayek Jimnez; her parents are named Sami Hayek Domnguez and Diana Jimnez Medina. Similarly, when the Native American populations were forced into residential schools or reservations, many had their identity stripped away by the state and the government. #796 STEIN Family of Stephen. Jennifer entered the tech arena in the 80s as a software developer and database architect, and became a pioneer in the Internet industry. #642 YORK From the ancient city or county of York, UK. #154 GUZMAN Lived in or near the town of Guzmn, Spain.