General election, and must file by the May before the election the measure is to be voted on. *While the Colorado residency requirement for circulators was struck down in Independence Institute v. Gessler, the court upheld the requirement that a circulator present to the notary a specific type of identification. 19-111; 19-124). Twelve% of total votes cast in last gubernatorial race for governor, V.A.M.S. Circulator oaths or affidavit required: Yes (ORS 250.045(10)). 1953 20A-11-101; 20A-11-801; 20A-11-802; 20A-11-803, Washington: RCWA 42.17A.005; 42.17A; 42.17A.205, Wyoming: W.S.1977 22-1-102; 22-24-201; 22-24-306, California: Cal.Elec.Code 9008, 9009, 9012, Florida: F.S.A. Cannot in the last five years have been convicted of a crime involving fraud, forgery or identification theft or subject to a civil penalty due to an election offense. Const. The attorney general reviews the ballot title after signed petitions are turned in (34 Okl.St.Ann. Art. 14, 3 and see Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections (1976). Reports of contributions and expenditures are due on the 12th day before an election, the 38th day after an election and the last business day of January and July of every year. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (Wyo. Art. Art. III, 4). See other restrictions. Petitions must be submitted not more than 90 days after the final adjournment of the session of the general assembly that passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded. Amend. The secretary shall direct whether this is conducted by random sampling or by verification of each signature (Mo.Rev.Stat. Ballot title and summary: The same title drafted by the title board in the pre-qualification stage is used on the ballot (CRS 1-40-106); there is not a summary on the ballot (CRS 1-40-115). 34-1812c). Stat. Which election: Next statewide election, unless a special election is called by the legislature of the governor for the express purpose of considering a referendum (Const. Art. It fails if under 90 % and qualifies if at least 100 % (N.R.S. 1953 20A-7-204.1). Which election is a measure on: The next regular or general election occurring subsequent to the 125 days after filing signatures (OH Const. Art. Groups must file reports detailing contributions received in excess of $100 in the aggregate and all other contributions and expenditures made by the group. Art. Const. Circulator requirements: US citizen and at least 18 years old (CRS 1-40-112). Colorado. Original geographical requirement found unconstitutional. 100.371). Prov., 3. Submission deadline of signatures: For statute initiatives, no later than three months prior to the election the measure is to be voted upon, and must submit to the county officials no sooner than nine months and no later than four weeks prior to the final deadline (MT CONST Art. If legislature amends, it does not go into effect until the original is rejected by the voters. 1953 20A-7-203 and include notice to signers, date, room for signatures, title of the initiative, the fiscal impact statement, a warning, language about a tax increase if applicable, and signed verification by the circulator (U.C.A. LXXXI, 4). During the 14 days before the election, reports of any communication exceeding $5,000 in the aggregate are due within one business day. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but may not be limited to each political committee filing with the secretary of state a statement of organization no later than 10 days after receiving at least $200 in contributions or spending at least $200, and any political committee or individual spending at least $200 must file monthly financial reports with the secretary of state (Miss. 168.472a). Timeline for collecting signatures: Signatures are valid for two years, but a petition can circulate indefinitely (F.S.A. 48, Init., Pt. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Any person who alleges they signed as a result of fraud, coercion, or being intentional misleading as to the substance or effect of the petition, may withdraw their signature by filing an affidavit with the secretary of state any time before the secretary of state has accepted and filed the petition (Miss. 5, 7). But these devices, like the recall, are legal only in certain states and municipalities, not at the national level. 3, 50), Other subject restrictions: No appropriations or other new revenues not provided for in the measure (V.A.M.S. Circulator requirements: 18 years of age (NRS 32-629 and -1404). (Const. Art. Who can sign the petition: Registered electors of the state (M.C.L.A. The legislature can provide for a different effective date with a two-thirds vote of the membership of each house (Const. From 15 different counties, with each countys petition having signatures of at least half of the designated percentage of electors of the county. 3503.06). Timeline for taking effect: 30 days after the election (Const. 2, 3, Michigan: M.C.L.A. 3, 50). Skip over the Blank Pages below! hired children as a source of cheap labor. And requires full disclosure of campaign staffers (21-A MRSA 1051 et. 54, 53). Withdrawal of petition: No process specified. 187; Okl.St.Ann. II, 1c and 1g). CONST. Proponent organization and requirements: A person, committee or political party that pays signature gatherers is required to file the same financial disclosures required under Title 13, Chapter 37 (MCA 13-27-112). 1-40-108). 48, Init., Pt. 14, 3, 10 ILCS 5/28-2, Massachusetts: M.G.L.A. General review of petition: None other found. Names and addresses of sponsors must be listed, and they must sign to verify that they are registered voters (Wyo. Ark. 23-17-47; 23-17-49; 23-17-51; 23-17-53, Missouri: V.A.M.S. Vote requirement for passage: Majority (Utah Code 20A-7-209). Const. 48, Init., Pt. Full text is printed on ballot if it is 200 words or less; if it is more than 200 words, the secretary of state drafts a title. If the board is unable to verify the genuineness of a signature on a petition using the digitized signature contained in the qualified voter file, the board may cause any doubtful signatures to be checked against the registration records by the clerk of any political subdivision in which the petitions were circulated, to determine the authenticity of the signatures or to verify the registrations (MCL 168.476). Public review or notice: Secretary of state prepares and distributes voter pamphlets to each household in the state and other locations (RCWA 29A.32.010; 29A.32.031; 29A.32.040; 29A.32.070; 29A.32.080). Board of Election commissioners and then certified to the secretary of state. General review of petition: Reviewed by attorney general and Ohio ballot board, which also writes pro or con statements if not supplied (OH Const. Direct primaries. Subject restrictions: No law that relates to religion, religious practices or religious institutions; or to the appointment, qualification, tenure, removal or compensation of judges; or to the powers, creation or abolition of courts; or the operation of which is restricted to a particular town, city or other political division or to particular districts or localities of the commonwealth; or that appropriates money for the current or ordinary expenses of the commonwealth or for any of its departments, boards, commissions or institutions shall be the subject of a referendum petition (Const. 116.180). Secretary of state, revisor of statutes and attorney general, M.G.L.A. Who can sign the petition: Electors (Const. 116.030) and secretary of state drafts a ballot title which appears on the petition (Mo.Rev.Stat. 3, 52(e) and Wyo. A statement of 100 words or less by secretary of administration and finance regarding fiscal consequences of the measure. Details on who or which offices writes the title and summary are listed below. Public review or notice: Secretary of state creates pamphlet with information and arguments and publishes the measures in newspapers leading up to the election. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (RCWA 29A.72.110; 29A.72.120; 29A.72.130; RCWA 29A.84.250), Number of signatures required: Eight % of the votes cast for the office of governor at the last regular gubernatorial election prior to the submission of the signatures for verification (RCWA 29A.72.150), Who can sign the petition: Legal voters (RCWA 29A.72.120), Collected in-person: Yes (RCWA 29A.72.120), Withdrawal process of individual signature: Only accepted before signatures are filed (People v. Hinkle [1924] 130 Wash. 419, 227 P. 861). Art. Attorney general then submits petition to the secretary of state which begins the deadline clock (Cal.Elec.Code 336, 9001, 9002, 9004). For indirect initiatives, about nine months (proposed measure submitted within 10 months of the session it is to be submitted at with a deadline of 10 days before the session). Art. Subject restrictions: Laws immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, or safety, or for the support and maintenance of the departments of the state government and state institutions are not subject to the referendum (Const. Thirteen years since the Supreme Courts controversial Citizens United v. FEC decision, states continue to restrict corporate donations and dark money, and the laws continue to be challenged under the rulings precedent. Massachusetts: at least 30% (Const. Application process information: Requires 25 or more must signatures as a sponsoring committee and present the complete measure to the secretary of state for approval, one of whom which must be designated as chairman of the sponsoring committee. And must be filed four months before election. Art. For constitutional amendments, 8% of total vote for governor in last election in each of two-thirds of the state's congressional districts. 5, 6; 34 Okl.St.Ann. 21). 19, 2), Ballot title and summary: Secretary of state, in consultation with the attorney general (N.R.S. No registered sex offender may circulate a petition unless the person is in the employ of and under the immediate supervision of another person and under circumstances which preclude any contact with children. Registration must include the circulator's full name, residence address, phone number and email address; the petition for which the circulator will gather signatures; a statement that the circulator consents to the jurisdiction of the courts of Arizona in resolving any disputes concerning the circulation of petitions by the circulator; the address of the committee in Arizona for whom the circulator works and will accept service of process related to disputes; a notarized affidavit by the circulator (ARS 16-118). Art. Updated on June 03, 2021. Where to file with: Secretary of state (MCA 13-27-202). Repeal or change restrictions: Cannot veto, and legislature may not repeal. The Financial Impact Estimating Conference members of one person from the governors office, the coordinator of the Office of Economic and Demographic Research, one professional senate staffer and one professional house staffer (F.S.A. Art. Const. 4 1, Part 1(6B), (6C) and (6D). Sponsors of advertising must file a report within 24 hours of the time the advertisement is published, mailed or otherwise revealed to the public if the advertisement qualifies as an independent expenditure or has a fair market value or actual cost of $1,000 or more (RCW 42.17A.260). Alaska prohibits payment in excess of $1 per signature. Art. 6, 22), Washington (RCWA Const. Proponents may withdraw a measure at any time before filing the petition. 3519.05; 3501.38; OH Const. What is on each petition: Must include the full text of the measure and the title drafted by the attorney general, signers statement and circulator's declaration (RCW 29A.72.100 and .130) . Code Ann. This database contains information on state processes, including subject matter, petitions, circulator requirements, signature requirements and more. Art. Secretary of state and attorney general jointly make a more descriptive ballot question summary to be sent to voters. 1953 20A-7-201; 20A-7-208). Art. Code 9001). Legislature or other government official review: After certification for the ballot, the joint committee on legislative research holds a public hearing in Jefferson City to take public comments regarding the measure (V.A.M.S. Rev. 2, 10). 3519.05; 3501.38). II, 9 and Mich. Comp. Where to file: Secretary of state (Const. VI). Repeal or change restrictions: Laws approved by the people under the referendum provision of this section may be amended by the legislature at any subsequent session thereof (Const. IV, 1). 3, 4; Art. 7-9-104; A.C.A. In order to receive contributions or make expenditures in excess of $1,500 in a calendar year, groups must form a committee for political action and register with the secretary of state. The secretary of state shall vacate the certification of the official ballot title within three days of receiving notice of the withdrawal (Mo.Rev.Stat. Timeline for taking effect: Thirty days after the election unless otherwise provided in the act. Formal processes vary greatly, such as the requirement of a formal sworn statement in Missouri (V.A.M.S. 5, 1). Types allowed: Indirect initiative for statutes, direct initiative for constitutional amendments, and popular referendum.