ACKNOWLEDGES that impact of the Arab Spring in the Middle East and North Africa has led to an increase in the persecution of minorities, including Christians; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Ocha Rios, Jamaica, July 1-6, 2013: 10. In 2023, the Baptist World Alliance is excited to collaborate with European Baptist Federation to offer an incredible global experience in Stavanger, Norway. Recognizes that women and children are victims of violence that include exploitation in the sex industry, which includes sexual trafficking, labor exploitation, domestic conflict, recruitment into military conflict, rape, many other forms of violence because of precarious and vulnerable situations. The Alliance of Baptists said its Annual Gathering will be held April 22-24 online and at Broadway Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Texas. The 2022 SBC Annual Meeting will convene at the Anaheim Convention Center Tuesday, June 14 at 8 a.m. and adjourn at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, according to the official schedule for the meeting released Tuesday (March 22). Expresses sincere gratitude to Kojo Amo, General Secretary of the Ghana Baptist Convention; Steve Asante, President of the Ghana Baptist Convention; Samuel Otu-Pimpong, Chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee; and to other Ghanaian Baptists who worked diligently to make careful arrangements and extend kind hospitality to Baptist representatives from around the world; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Havana July 5-8, 2000 Baptist groups returning to in-person meetings with hybrid options MOTION by W. A. Criswell was seconded, and carried 35GC76 that the following resolution be adopted: 2022 SBC Annual Meeting: WMU, seminaries, entities - The Baptist Paper Whereas, We hail with joy the fact that the Baptist World Alliance is giving such a large place to the social aspect of the gospel and the duty of Christian people to human society; and 1. The amendment which was made in the divorce law last year, through the enactment of a measure empowering the Supreme Court to/decree a dissolution of marriage aft American Elijah Brown won formal approval July 7 as next general secretary of the Baptist World Alliance, a fellowship of 238 conventions and unions in 124 countries and territories around the world numbering 45 million members in 177,000 churches. Professor A.T. Ohrn, Norway, moved the following Resolution on Racialism These violations are evident in Darfur, but exist throughout Sudan. For groups like the BWA, however, the hybrid approach strengthens its efforts to span the globe especially in troubled times. to learn more about our Standing Together Global Response to COVID-19. 2 Kings 24:10-16), and the Lord Jesus Christ who, with his family, experienced life as a displaced person (Matthew 2:13-23); The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Ocha Rios, Jamaica, July 1-6, 2013: Celebrates the gifts and talents of those who are a part of the Emerging Leaders Network and who represent the future of the BWA; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting Havana Cuba July 5-8 2000 REAFFIRMS the priority given by the Baptist World Alliance to mission and evangelism; The Baptist World Alliance meeting in Berlin in 1934 should be seen with great interest for those studying the rise of Naziism, how it was viewed at the time, and how people around the world turned a blind eye to what was growing and what would lead to Kristallnacht and then later the Holocaust. The first Baptist world congress was held in London in 1905. MOTION was made and seconded, and carried Dr. W. O. Lewis, European representative of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, moved the following resolution on behalf of the Resolutions Committee: This World Congress of Baptists representing sixty countries BWA World Congress Resolution 1939.5 The Sixth Baptist World Congress, assembled in Atlanta, Ga., is constrained to express the judgment of Baptist people in general on the question of race relationship. 3. REAFFIRMING its opposition to apartheid as a sin against the Gospel of Gods love for all people. 28:18- 20); RECOGNIZES the establishment of the new state of South Sudan, and the joy of achieving independence, and joins our brothers and sisters as they celebrate their newly found independence. The first will come Feb. 16-17 in Nashville , Tenn. , when the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is likely to recommend that Southern Baptists end their 99-year effort to relate to other Baptists worldwide through the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). We are sure that nothing has been lacking in the preparations, and that no pains have been spared to ensure the comfort and welfare of the hundreds of delegates in attendance. During the Baptist World Alliance annual gathering in Birmingham, Ala., this past July, the heavens opened with torrential downpours of story after inspiring story of how the Holy Spirit is working among Baptists all over our world. Seventh Day Baptist General Conference, USA and Canada, Ecumenical Centre Commends the Youth Department and other entities of the Baptist World Alliance for their roles in envisioning, organizing, and promoting the Dive Deeper Baptist Youth World Conference in Leipzig, Germany, July 30-August 3; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 7-12, 2003: Affirms the biblical teaching of respect for the Earth and everything in it, and the moral imperative to love ones neighbors as oneself including those of future generations; Recollects, celebrating 400 years of Baptist life, that from the beginning our founders stood for freedom of conscience and freedom of religion for all people regardless of their beliefs or non-belief; The former receiving churches are becoming sending churches. AFFIRMS that because all life is the gift of God and that every person is created in the image of God, human life is sacred; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Vancouver Canada, July 3-9, 1997, Voices: Baptist World Alliance fills me with hope 34GC76 that the following resolution, and all pending amendments, be referred to the Executive Committee for consideration. THANKFUL to God for the positive changes that have taken place in Eastern Europe and the whole of the Soviet Union, including the increasing freedom experienced in many aspects of the life of these nations, CELEBRATES with the World Methodist Council the 300th anniversary of the birth of John Wesley, founder of Methodism; The BWA holds a world congress every five years. All rights reserved. Baptist World Congress slated as virtual event in 2021 November 23, 2020 Ken Camp / Managing Editor Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Baptist World Congress originally scheduled for July 2020 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilwill instead become an online event July 7-10, 2021. For more information about the Baptist World Alliance, go to its website at That there now be formed the World Baptist Young Peoples Union, the aim of which shall be the uniting of the young Baptists in all countries; the contribution, membership and organization shall be discussed and determined by the World Baptist Young Peoples Committee. An annual meeting of the general council governs the Alliance between congresses. It has served as a collective voice for religious freedom in. OFFERS sincere thanks to the Baptists of Canada and the local congregations on Prince Edward Island for their warm welcome and generous hospitality; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Seoul, South Korea, July 28-31, 2004: The BWA holds a world congress every five years. to the officers and churches of the Convencion Evangelica Bautista Argentina for the careful preparations, warm welcome, generous hospitality and interpretation service; BWA General Council Resolution 1981.6 The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance: Expresses appreciation for the initiative taken by the Church of Sweden (Lutheran) and its Archbishop in calling a Conference on Peace and Disarmament in Sweden in March 1982, Once again WE EXPRESS OUR PROFOUND CONCERN over international tensions, the armed conflicts in certain regions, the economic burden of large armaments and armed forces, the threat of nuclear annihilation of humanity; Recognizing the extreme importance of an effective beginning for the General Council and Study Commissions for the 1981-85 quinquennium, we express our deep appreciation: Thank you for your patience and for your prayers on behalf of the many lives currently impacted by this disease. AcceptPreferences. A global network of 51 million Baptists in 128 countries and territories unified by a mission to impact the world for Christ. The BWA has study commissions working on various concerns, themes and programmes. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe August 6-9, 1993, Representatives of the Southern Baptist Convention and Baptist World Alliance met April 13, issuing a joint press release after the nineteen participants had spent six hours together at the SBC Building in Nashville, Tennessee. The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Bangkok, Thailand, July 5-7, 2017: The sense of the horror and wickedness of war has burnt itself deeply into the heart and conscience of all the members of our churches. 405 N. Washington St. Falls Church, VA 22046 USA, 2021 | Networking the Baptist Family to Impact the World for Christ, Religious Freedom, Human Rights & Justice. Maintains ongoing concern about the armed conflicts, contrived famines, destruction of communities, lack of transparent truth and accountability and other human rights violations in Sudan. They also wish to express their sympathy with him in his present affliction and with his poignant grief in not being able to be with them in their sessions. The Baptist World Alliance has announced its 2022 annual gathering will be convened both online and in-person after two years of virtual-only meetings due to the COVID-19 pandemic. ACKNOWLEDGES that the Republic of Haiti was the first, and for a long time, the only state in the world to recognize equality of rights for all human beings regardless of gender, economic condition or any other consideration; The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Vancouver, Canada, July 6-8, 2016: CONTINUES TO BELIEVE AND AFFIRM: ACKNOWLEDGES the profound challenges created in many parts of our world by the massive flow of refugees and displaced persons. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, realizing that many of the worlds peoples are threatened by starvation by famine, war and natural disaster which have contributed to their desperate plight we cannot help but recognize the gospel mandate for Christian people to meet such urgent human need. Samford Hosts 2022 Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering 1. Cookie Preferences | Privacy Policy | Software Plugins, We use cookies to improve our site, personalize content and serve more relevant advertising on other platforms. Franklin and Rushbrooke as to the position in Russia; agreed that Dr. Rushbrooke be instructed to prepare a resolution expressing support of his protest on the subject of the Russian Governments attitude on the question of religious teaching of children. 1. Keynote speakers for the event are Rita Nakashima Brock, a Disciples of Christ minister and director of the Shay Moral Injury Center at Volunteers of America and former director of the Soul Repair Center at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University; and Eboni Marshall Turman, assistant professor of Theology and African American Religion at Yale Divinity School, a Baptist minister and author of Toward a Womanist Ethic of Incarnation: Black Bodies, the Black Church, and the Council of Chalcedon. Special congratulation was also given on the wonderful progress made by Swedish Baptists in their 75 years history, and on the singular devotion shown in that for every 600 members, they maintain one missionary abroad, thus standing at the head of all lands in this respect. Due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the 22nd Baptist World Congress was re-scheduled for July 7-10, 2021. The Southern Baptist Convention, which met in-person last year but not in 2020, plans a large in-person meeting that also will be livestreamed. This Congress, representing the Baptists of the world, records its distress and indignation that the Rumanian Government has failed to secure the rights of religious minorities, and that it has failed to check or prevent numerous acts of persecution on the part of the local organs of administration. Sign up to receive the latest news and prayer updates for our global Baptist family. The majority of African Americans is Baptist and has included outstanding leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. The collection will be expanded over time. Global Baptists Gather in Thailand for BWA Gathering His Honour Judge Willis, K.C., President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Ireland, occupied the chair, and the hall was crowded with the delegates, numbering nearly 3,000. 6125 Richville Dr SW, Navarre, OH 44662. In light of the ever-evolving nature of the virus, the Baptist World Alliance is currently in a thorough review process of options for the 22nd Baptist World Congress. The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Melbourne, Australia, resolves. will be rewarded as well as challenged. Rumania. Registration opens Feb. 1. 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex - Switzerland, Association of Baptist Churches in Rwanda, Church of Christ in Congo - Baptist Community of Congo, Community of Baptist Churches in Central Africa, Convention of Philippine Baptist Churches. Expresses deep sadness and regret over religious and ethnic conflicts that claim many lives and create deep scars in different parts of the world; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Seville, Spain, July 8-13 2002: AFFIRMS that Jesus Christ calls the church to proclaim the gospel to all nations (Matt. The Executive of the Council is therefore requested to review major matters to be processed by the Resolutions Committee at its next meeting and to seek out competent persons who will be asked to submit proposed resolutions to be reviewed and where necessary revised by the Resolutions Committee for recommendation to the General Council. J. H. Shakespeare, M.A., as Conveners, which shall report at the Morning Session on 17th July, 1905. cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics. History | Baptist World Alliance Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Alliance baptiste mondiale Alianza Bautista Mundial Baptistischer Weltbund . NOTES with appreciation the resolution titled Ministry to Refugees adopted by the General Council of the Baptist World Alliance meeting in Vancouver, Canada, July 6-8, 2016; The Baptist World Alliance General Council, meeting in Zurich, Switzerland, July 2-6, 2018: Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, BWA Historian. The resolutions naturally carry great moral authority, coming as they do from a Congress so representative of Baptists in the entire world. The Baptist World Alliance has 211 member conventions/unions, with a total membership of 35 million baptized believers, representing a worshipping community of over 100 million Christians (Baptists do not count children as members). Samford Hosts 2022 Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering Published on July 18, 2022 On July 10-15, Samford University hosted Baptists from around the world for the 2022 Baptist World Alliance Annual Gathering. Baptist World Alliance | UIA Yearbook Profile | Union of International BELIEVES that everyone is created in the image of God and so possesses inalienable dignity and value, and that Jesus Christ, who died on the Cross for both women and men, commands us to love one another, as he has loved us (John 13:43); The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Izmir Turkey, July 9-11, 2014: AFFIRMS the many significant steps taken by President Thein Seins government in Myanmar in recent years to relax restrictions and permit a more open society. Dr. Lee B. Spitzer, BWA Historian (Click here to contact). at Crown Center, a recent news item explained. The members of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Stockholm, recognize with thankfulness that there are many signs of hope on the far horizon, in spite of the fact that the war spirit is still at work among the nations. In addition to racial justice-focused plenaries, attendees had the opportunity to engage in Bible studies, regional ministry updates and small group reflections. For starters, BWA's annual General Council meeting was renamed the BWA Annual Gathering, signaling a desire to expand participation beyond BWA's leadership circle. And BWA isnt alone. THE DIVORCE LAW. Carl W. Tiller had been asked to prepare a report for the Council on efforts made in past years by Baptists of the world to provide theological training and to establish a theological seminary in the heart of Europe. General Baptist Church of the Philippines, Inc. Luzon Convention of Southern Baptist Churches, Inc. 12th Pakh (District) Church of Christ in Thailand, National Baptist Missionary & Education Convention (Bahamas), Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists of Armenia, Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists of Azerbaijan, Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists in the Republic of Belarus, Union of Free Evangelical and Baptist Churches of Estonia, Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches of France, International Baptist Convention (English speaking) (Germany), Union of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany (Baptists), Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists in Kazakhstan, Union of Evangelical Christians Baptists of Kyrgyzstan, Union of Christian Evangelical Baptist Churches of Moldova, Union of Baptist Churches in the Netherlands, Convention of the Hungarian Baptist Churches of Romania, Euro-Asiatic Federation of the Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists, Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists of Russia, Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists in Serbia and Montenegro, All-Ukrainian Union of Associations of Evangelical Christian Baptists, Brotherhood of Independent Baptist Churches and Ministries of Ukraine, Union of Evangelical Christian Baptists of Middle Asia (Uzbekistan), Convention of Baptist Churches of the Chilean Mission, Union of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Chile, National Union of Baptist Churches (Costa Rica), Convention of Baptist Churches in Guatemala, National Convention of Baptist Churches in Honduras, Evangelical Baptist Convention of Paraguay, Baptist Evangelical Convention of Uruguay, Association of Baptist Churches in Israel, Canadian Convention of Southern Baptist Churches, Czechoslovak Baptist Convention of the USA and Canada, General Association of General Baptists USA), Lott Carey Baptist Foreign Mission Convention, USA, National Missionary Baptist Convention of America. REGARDS current events in various countries in the Middle East as an opportunity for peaceful positive changes in the societies, and, therefore: Recalling that our Lord Jesus has pronounced blessed those who work for peace, (Matt 5:9); The BWA meeting will offer plenaries on racial justice, Bible studies, regional ministry reports and small-group sessions. This Council expresses its deepest appreciation: Gives thanks to God for the rich spiritual legacy of Reformers like Jan Hus and Petr Chelcicky whose witness still inspires Czech Baptist life which began one hundred and fifty years ago; The General Council of the Baptist World Alliance, meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 7-12, 2003: The three discussed how churches and believers can partner with community and national leaders to meaningfully pursue racial justice together. 405 N. Washington St. Falls Church, VA 22046 USA, 2021 | Networking the Baptist Family to Impact the World for Christ. RICHMOND, Va. (BP)-The Baptist General Association of Virginia will seek membership in the Baptist World Alliance and significantly increase financial support for the global organization following a pair of votes during the Nov. 9-10 BGAV annual meeting in Roanoke. They rejoice, however, in the assurance that his recovery now seems to be certain. The Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and Alliance of Baptists are among those who said they also plan to hold hybrid annual gatherings this year. Twenty-five of the 211 member bodies are members of the WCC, which represents a total of 60 percent of the BWA constituency. ACKNOWLEDGES previous General Council resolutions concerning the continuing AIDS crisis; 1928 BWA World Congress Message Excerpt From the Foreword by J. H. Rushbrooke: It will be observed that the assembly at Toronto has adopted no formal resolutions. ACKNOWLEDGES the gracious welcome to Hong Kong given by President Cecil Chan; and. To learn more, review our privacy policies, Religious Freedom, Human Rights & Justice, Theological Reflection & Leadership Development, Restorative Racial Justice & Flourishing Freedom (2022.3), Resolution Opposing Violence and Abuse of Women and Girls, Resolution on Religious Liberty in the USA, Resolution on the Humanitarian Crisis in Venezuela, Resolution on Religious Freedom in Russia, Resolution on Violations of Religious Freedom in Nigeria and the Lake Chad Region, Appendix II: Baptist World Alliance Resolutions Paper, Resolution on Freedom of Religion in the Lugansk Region in Eastern Ukraine, Resolution on Human Slavery and Trafficking, Resolution on Preserving the Primacy of Family in Immigration, Resolution on Current Manifestations of Religious Intolerance and Religiously-Motivated Violence, Humanitarian Crisis of the Mass Migration of Unaccompanied Minors in the Americas, Recognizing and Affirming the Calling of Women in the Church, Resolution on the Paris Agreement and Climate Change, Human Rights Based on the Work of Anabaptist Richard Overton, Crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, End to United States of America (USA) Embargo on Cuba, Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence, Gratitude for Life and Ministry of George Liele, Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World, Resolution on Theological Education and Leadership Formation, Resolution on the Naga Reconciliation Process, A Statement in Support of the Practices of Just Peacemaking, Prayer for Justice and Mercy for Nations and Peoples in Conflict, 400th Anniversary of the Formation of the First Baptist Congregation, Evangelism and Contextualization of the Gospel, Congratulations to Former USA President, Jimmy Carter, 200th Anniversary of the Passing of the Act to Abolish the Slave Trade in the British Colonies, Baptist World Aid and the Poor in Gods World, Resolution on Forgiveness of National Debts, Baptist World Aid and the Micah Challenge, Resolution on Conversations between Christian Communions, Withdrawal of the Southern Baptist Convention from the Family of the Baptist World Alliance, Involuntary Fingerprinting of Roma People in Italy, Religious Freedom Violations in Azerbaijan, Anniversary of William Careys Arrival in India, Prayer and Concern for the Eastern Part of Europe and the Soviet Union, Fifth Centennial of the Coming of Columbus and the Europeans to the Americas, United Nations Declaration Concerning Religious Intolerance and Discrimination, The International Year of Disabled Persons, Message to Baptist Churches Throughout the World, Theological Training and The Seminary Fund, Mans Stewardship and Survival on This Earth, Appreciation for Committees and Program Personnel, Resolution of Appreciation for Committee and Program Personnel, Resolution on Religious Liberty, Human Rights, World Peace and Public Morality, Working with Other Religions and Organizations for World Peace, Resolution on Separation of Church and State, Resolution on Baptist Witness and Evangelism, Centenary Appreciation for Charles Haddon Spurgeon.
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