Hij kreeg achteraf de wind van voren van het parlement, maar 'antivaxer' Geert Vanden Bossche vertelde woensdag in het debat over vaccinatieplicht niet uitsluitend onzin. Waar is de vrouwelijke kant van de oorlog? How long can one ignore the problem when there is at present massive evidence that viral immune escape is now threatening humanity? ", On top of the false notion that imperfect vaccine antibodies will hamper the overall immune system on its own, Vanden Bossche claims that the prolonged lockdowns have left our innate immune system out of practice. [Editors note: Scott Gavura had circumstances pop up that prevented him from producing a post for today. Even more hilariously (and a bit uncomfortably) Frei is pretty spot on when she notes: However, this is on very shaky ground. Archeologen tonen verborgen gang die ze ontdekten in 4.500 jaar oude piramide van Cheops in Egypte, Het kraakpaleis werd ontruimd, terwijl het een mogelijk alternatief biedt, Open brief: Boos op onze politieke leiders. Hij pleit daartegen, in de eerste plaats omdat deze vaccins volgens hem de natuurlijke immuniteit, die bescherming biedt tegen een veel breder spectrum van pathogenen dan het vaccin, kan verdringen. Reality aside, invoking the innate immune system provides two rhetorical benefits. Come to think of it, the similarities between Dr. Vanden Bossche and Andrew Wakefield strike me as stronger than ever now, given that, as well documented by Brian Deer, Wakefield basically published his fraudulent science to support the claim that the MMR vaccine causes autism in order to make a market for his own single vaccine against the measles. #LikeMe is een Belgische muzikale jeugdserie die wordt uitgezonden sinds 2019. Volg VRT NWS op uw smartphone of tablet via de VRT NWS-app. Daarna werkte hij als Senior Program Officer voor de Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation en als Senior Ebola Program Manager voor de Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Variants are "a thing to keep an eye on," Saad Omer, an epidemiologist who serves as director of the Yale Institute for Global Health, told us in a phone interview. Dr. Vanden Bossche has also taken to social media to air his concerns, and his message has been enthusiastically embraced by antivaxxers: Lets just say this. Statisten - Wikipedia "It is," Vanden Bossche asserted in one of his letters, "reasonable to assume that vaccination of young and healthy people will inevitably lead to long-lived suppression of their variant-nonspecific, innate immune defense." He claims that the vaccines will destroy our bodies' ability to use our innate immune system (which produces, among other things, non-specific cells capable of clearing a wide variety of infectious material from the body) to fight off the variants vaccines allegedly could not. [2], Na een carrire in de academische wereld in Belgi en Duitsland werkte Vanden Bossche bij verscheidene bedrijven aan de ontwikkeling van vaccins (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals). David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, FACS is a surgical oncologist at the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute specializing in breast cancer surgery, where he also serves as the American College of Surgeons Committee on Cancer Liaison Physician as well as an Associate Professor of Surgery and member of the faculty of the Graduate Program in Cancer Biology at Wayne State University. Geert Vanden Bossche is a scientist who published an open letter warning of global catastrophe due to deadly variants of COVID-19 selected for by mass vaccination. De Belgische wetenschapper Geert Vanden Bossche heeft het internet veroverd met zijn waarschuwing voor een wereldwijde ramp: de massale coronavaccinaties zouden een virusvariant kunnen creren die tegen de vaccins bestand is waardoor veel doden zouden vallen. Lets compare Dr. Vanden Bossches letter to what Wakefield wrote back in 2019. Vanden Bossche ist nach eigenen Angaben Veterinrmediziner mit einem Abschluss in Virologie. Deze sfeer is mee geschept door de experten en de media. Reading the letter, what it reminded me, more than anything else, is an article that Andrew Wakefield wrote about the MMR vaccine and measles, published a few months before the pandemic hit. More recently, he set up his own website to publicize his letter: We've put together a website to gather all information, scientific documents and interviews I've posted on this public health emergency. Voorlopig dus nog even koffiedik kijken en vooral genieten van de lente. Perhaps no more tired a trope exists in the world of faux cures than the "I have found a problem that no other scientist in the world has thought of and only my untested and unproven cure can stop it" gambit. Als veearts heeft hij wel een wetenschappelijke achtergrond. However, as we age, we will increasingly face situations where our innate immunity (often called the first line of immune defense) is not strong enough to halt the pathogen at the portal of entry (mostly mucosal barriers like respiratory or intestinal epithelia). "There can be no doubt," Vanden Bossche asserts, "that lack of exposure due to stringent containment measures implemented as of the beginning of the pandemic has not been beneficial to keeping peoples innate immune system well trained. ", While a universal vaccine that could eradicate virtually any disease certainly sounds great, no evidence exists that such a vaccine has ever successfully been developed. Dierenarts Geert Vanden Bossche verkondigt hele en halve waarheden [3] [4] Het probleem is volgens Vanden Bossche dat de specifieke antistoffen van het vaccin (dat gebaseerd is op de oorspronkelijke Wuhan-variant) steeds minder werkzaam zullen zijn. Telkens is men middenin de uitbraak beginnen te vaccineren om die onder controle te krijgen. The ongoing phase 3 trial of an adenovirus-vectored spike-based vaccine (Johnson & Johnson, NCT04505722) in South Africa, where the 501Y.V2 (B.1.351) strain with the Glu484Lys substitution is rapidly replacing pre-existing variants,11 might provide an opportunity to examine this question. He reminds me of another doctor who spread misinformation about COVID-19 vaccination based on an unbending principle of immunology to justify his concerns, without any clinical or epidemiological evidence to support it. Are vaccines destined for a similar fate? Countering Geert Vanden Bossche's dubious viral open letter warning In de tweede plaats stelt hij dat deze vaccinaties op termijn wellicht auto-immuunziekten zouden kunnen veroorzaken. Integendeel, zegt vaccinoloog Corinne Vandermeulen (KU Leuven), en ze somt de epidemien op die in het verleden net onder controle gebracht zijn door te vaccineren: Cholera, ebola, polio. If you are a potential patient and found this page through a Google search, please check out Dr. Gorski's biographical information, disclaimers regarding his writings, and notice to patients here. Van den Bossche - Wikipedia Geert Vanden Bossche on Twitter He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. Sounds familiar: suboptimal immune pressure + viral variant! Why? Integendeel zelfs. Were in a race with the new variants, Sara Del Valle, a computational epidemiologist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico explained in a March 2021 feature in the scientific journal Nature. Hij wijst erop dat hij geen soort van hobby viroloog is zoals hij wordt weggezet in de media en benoemt zijn ervaringen en diplomas waaronder bepaalde zaken die niet veel Vlamingen hem hebben voorgedaan. Honderdduizenden mensen zagen zijn boodschap intussen. In die zin is Vanden Bossche best wel een lastig gegeven, een opposant tegen de eenzijdige stem die gehoord wordt. Geert Vanden Bossche on Twitter: "Don't vaccinate your children with Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Well, similar to the rules applying to classical antimicrobial antibiotics, it is paramount that our self-made antiviral antbiotcs [sic] are made available in sufficient concentration and are tailored at the specific features of our enemy. Freya Van den Bossche - Wikipedia As NK cell-based immune defense provides sterilizing immunity and allows for broad spectrum and fast protection, it is reasonable to assume that harnessing our innate immune cells is going to be the only type of human intervention left to halt the dangerous spread of highly infectious Covid-19 variants. Zoals gemeld ging het dispuut over de volledige publicatie of delen ervan die door VRTNWS werden geselecteerd. Mrz mit einem offenen Brief an die WHO gewandt. Geert Vanden Bossche - Wikiwand (Vanden Bossche did not respond to a detailed list of questions sent by Snopes on March 23, 2021.). Again, this is an argument antivaxxers have made dating back at least to the pertussis vaccine. However, NK cell-based vaccines will primarily enable our natural immunity to be better prepared (memory!) Before I get to Vanden Bossches open letter and his warning to the world that mass vaccination with the current COVID-19 vaccines is likely to lead to a global catastrophe due to the proliferation of ever-more-transmissible COVID-19 variants (as if the COVID-19 pandemic itself hasnt been a global catastrophe! Its a common argument among antivaxxers that the reason were seeing more cases of pertussis in people who have been vaccinated against it is because pertussis is either evolving resistance, or because it is shifting to a different strain not covered by the vaccine. Massavaccinatie middenin een pandemie, (zorgt) voor druk op virusstammen (om te muteren, veranderen naar een nieuwe vorm dus, red. Nog volgens hem zou zon nieuwe en dodelijkere variant geholpen kunnen worden doordat het coronavaccin ons aangeboren immuunsysteem zou verzwakken. See what I mean? Hoe minder je kopieert, hoe kleiner de kans dat er een kopieerfout gebeurt.. Kan dat? Vanden Bossche studeerde achtereenvolgens aan de Universiteit van Namen en Gent, waar hij in 1983 zijn doctoraalexamen diergeneeskunde (DVM) haalde (cum laude). Samen zetten zij zich evenwel af tegen het beleid van keizer Jozef II en streefden zij naar de onafhankelijkheid van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, hetgeen leidde tot de Brabantse Omwenteling (1789 - 1790). Snoeck vergelijkt NK-cellen met een ongeleid projectiel: Elke cel die er niet normaal uitziet, wordt gedood. This inevitably leads to enhanced natural selection and adaptation of more invasive immune escape variants, 2/4 6 37 Dit artikel werd gepdatet op 1/4/2021 om 9:26. There you have it, the lone scientific maverick who is the only one willing to speak out about against a horror being perpetrated by conventional medicine and science that they dont want you to know about or discuss, a horror thats so urgent that he must speak now. Central to the concept in his article, published via the in-house journal of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), an organization I like to refer to as the John Birch Society of medical societies given its penchant for conspiracy theories and pseudoscience, was that the MMR vaccine, by selecting for more aggressive measles strains, could result in a sixth extinction event. Indeed, antibodies (Abs) produced by our own immune system can be considered self-made antiviral antibiotics, regardless of whether they are part of our innate immune system (so-called natural Abs) or elicited in response to specific pathogens (resulting in so-called acquired Abs). Maar een virus zou een hele resem mutaties moeten doormaken om het afweersysteem van ons lichaam te omzeilen. Er is al vaak gevaccineerd tijdens een epidemie, en dat heeft nog nooit tot grote sterfte geleid. I will note that it is truly astounding how many statements that a supposed expert in immunology and vaccines can make that are just plain out-and-out wrong. Dat is volgens de officile data enkel het geval in Chili. As stated, I am not against vaccination. They do not. If the virus manages to do so, it can benefit from the (momentarily) suppressed innate immunity, thereby causing disease in an increasing number of these subjects and ensuring its own propagation. Mass vaccination will only work if the vaccine prevents or decreases transmission; i.e., if it is not leaky (although he doesnt use the term). As I noted when Andrew Wakefield explicitly used the example of Mareks disease to claim that a leaky vaccine to MMR would cause a global catastrophe by selecting for deadly measles variants, yes, a leaky vaccine changes the selective pressure and permits the evolution of highly virulent strains because the virus retains the ability to continue to spread among vaccinated populations, leading to the vaccine selecting for the most virulent mutations. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. It protects us from a multitude of pathogens, thereby preventing these pathogens from causing disease. At this point, I will also mention that, because Ed Nirenberg produced an excellent rebuttal of Dr. Vanden Bossches mangling of immunology in his letter, Ill stick more to my lane (mostly, anyway), although there will be some overlap. This particular coronavirus happens to have a proofreading mechanism that results in a low mutation rate compared to that of a lot of other RNA viruses, such as, for example, the influenza virus. Geert Vandenbossche, Patric Van Oostveldt (UGent) , Jo Demeester (UGent) and Jean Paul Remon (UGent) ( 1993 ) BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING. Hes arguing that vaccinating the elderly protects them, but because the virus will therefore be forced to infect the young it will only be able to do so if it can somehow escape immunity to the antibodies to spike protein (S-specific Abs) transiently raised in asymptomatic subjects. mRNA-vaccins werden al volop ontwikkeld vr COVID-19 uitbrak (En coronavaccins zoals Pfizer en Moderna maken gebruik van messenger-RNA dat in de cellen van de mens eiwitten aanmaakt van virusuitsteeksels, red.). Of course, the type of vaccines to be used would be completely different from conventional vaccines in that theyre not inducing the usual suspects, i.e., B and T cells, but NK cells. Ten derde wijst hij erop dat de gezondheidsrisico's van Covid-19 voor gezonde kinderen, zoals ziekenhuisopname, verwaarloosbaar klein zijn en dat vaccinatie vanuit dat oogpunt voor die groep geen enkele zin heeft. Dat punt maakte ook Otto Yang, professor Infectieziekten aan de Universiteit van California, in de krant USA Today. Specifically, scientists have long been pointing out that, the more we let COVID-19 circulate, the more likely virus variants that can escape the immune response to the vaccine (and/or to natural infection) are to emerge, and they use this argument as a rationale for vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible, in order to slow that circulation of the virus to as low a rate as possible, thus reducing the opportunities for strains resistant to the vaccine and strains able to re-infect previously infected people to emerge. Geert Vanden Bossche is een Belgische dierenarts, viroloog en onafhankelijk onderzoeker en adviseur op het gebied van vaccins. Eerst werd het nog genegeerd maar door de vele vragen hierover voelde VRTNWS zich toch genoodzaakt te reageren op haar website. In an effort to sidestep this self-evident solution, Vanden Bossche seems to have made up a second mechanism to stoke fear over COVID-19 vaccines. "Dat is een compleet ander mechanisme. Is Vanden Bossche fout met zijn theorie of is hij een kiezel in de schoen van de media en experten die het debat domineren omtrent de covid aanpak. Geert Vanden Bossche - Amazon Up to this point, at its core and leaving aside minor variations, Dr. Vanden Bossches argument about COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 is pretty close to exactly the same argument that Wakefield fallaciously made about MMR and measles. Wissenschaftler widersprechen Impf-Aussagen von Geert Vanden Bossche ], Ive frequently discussed how in the age of the pandemic, at least in terms of antivaccine misinformation and pseudoscience, everything old is new again. Bij sommige besmettingen kunnen NK-cellen wl specifieker te werk gaan, stipt immunoloog Herman Favoreel (Universiteit Gent) aan. Covid-19 vaccine mandates for children: what is the science behind this? Over the last several months, Ive listed a number of examples of this phenomenon of antivaxxers recycling hoary tropes to apply them to COVID-19 vaccines; for example, claims that vaccines kill, cause infertility, cancer, autoimmune disorders, and Alzheimers disease, and are loaded with toxins, among several others, such as the claim that they alter your DNA. Geert Vanden Bossche on Twitter He adds hes now focusing on vaccines that educate the immune system in ways that are to some extent more efficient than we do right now with our conventional vaccines. Clearly hes got significant conflicts of interest. Zo lijkt uit deze reactie dat Vanden Bossche een interview had met VRT terwijl die vermeld hadden dat ze Vanden Bossche hadden gecontacteerd maar dat hij niet wenste reageren. ), lets just review what Wakefield claimed about the MMR vaccine back in 2019. Vervolgens wijst hij erop dat de gekende experten nooit ge-fact-checkt worden. One answer is, why not? Geert Vanden Bossche Contribute to IMDb. Het publiekelijk schofferen van wetenshappers of mensen die hun job kwijt raken of beledigd worden omdat ze zich kritisch uitspreken, zulke zaken passen niet in onze cultuur van vrije meningsuiting en open debat. Hij wordt op YouTube voorgesteld als een wereldwijde vaccinautoriteit met een grote reputatie, maar dat klopt niet. (I note that Dr. Vanden Bossche only set up his Twitter account two weeks ago and already has over 16K followers.) Exactly. This growing threat has led what many senior public health officials in the UK and the U.S. to describe as the post-antibiotic apocalypse and the end of modern medicine. It is estimated that 50,000 annual deaths occur in Europe and the U.S. from infections that antibiotics have lost the power to treat. So in fewer than 80 years, we have reached the point at which, for example, with prosthetic surgery, wards are being closed down, patients are being sent home, and operations are no longer possible, because once the prosthesis becomes infected with such bacteria, it is virtually impossible to get rid of them. Its here that his LinkedIn profile helps, specifically, his entry under Univac: I founded Univac as [sic] inventor of a new vaccine technology which I subsequently further developed as CSO of the Company. Skip to main content Geert Van Den Bossche You know what? Transformation is rapidly becoming the key to survive as an organsisation. Therefore he has zero credibility when it comes to advising the public or anyone else about how to avoid negative effects of mass vaccination. Moreover, as Nirenberg points out, there is an increasing body of evidence that the COVID-19 vaccine is not leaky. Hes also started making rounds on the podcast/vlog interview circuit: You can watch yesterday's interview with Philip McMillan here: https://t.co/sx9fxpsyHg Thanks for all your support, we will need it. Because, among other things: 1) Neither in the original March 6 piece nor his March 13 follow-up does Vanden Bossche provide any direct, non-theoretical evidence that this is happening; 2) The natural antibodies that are produced after encountering a pathogen are only a small part of a quick, effective and broad-based first-line immune-system defense known as innate or passive immunity which in fact largely comprises other components; and 3) Vanden Bossche downplays the effectiveness of the antibodies our bodies naturally produce as part of the second-line (adaptive) part of the immune system that also has served us extremely well for millennia. However, increasingly clear evidence exists that the current COVID-19 vaccines reduce transmission, as well as the amount of viral material available for shedding, even in asymptomatic cases. He claims that its because theres so much coronavirus circulating and so many people might produce suboptimal levels of antibody to the virus that, as is the case when antibiotics are used at levels too low to eliminate bacteria and thereby result in strong evolutionary selection for resistant strains of bacteria, a mass vaccination program is doomed to result in resistant variants of coronavirus, particularly when the vaccination program has started out targeted: As if this was not already heavily compromising innate immune defense in this population segment, there comes yet another force into play that will dramatically enhance morbidity and mortality rates in the younger age groups: MASS VACCINATION of the ELDERLY. GEERT VANDEN BOSSCHE: 'MY FINAL CALL' The Highwire with Del Bigtree News Lockdowns Expand in China; Details of New 'Disinformation Czar'; New #PfizerDocuments Released; Geert Vanden Bossche's Final, Dire Warning to the World Guest: Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD #VandenBossche #GVBFinalCall Episode Website More Episodes Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: Warning Against Monkeypox Vaccinations One benefit of several current COVID-19 vaccines, most notably the mRNA vaccines, is that they can be easily modified to induce the development of antibodies programmed specifically to deal with whatever new variants crop up.
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