". . . "By the late 1990s, Tarby and his team had discovered fumarase deficiency was occurring in the greatest concentration in the world among the fundamentalist Mormon polygamists of northern Arizona and southern Utah. All are retarded, the neurologist told Salt Lake City television station KSL-TV. The early Mormon Church practiced polygamy until 1890, when leaders abandoned the practice as a condition for Utah to gain statehood. _____. ozpoof and several polygamist men serve in local government positions, including as mayors . "Her book . refuse to accept advice from any outsider, including doctors such as Tarby, who has treated their children for years. These babies usually do not leave the hospital and die as infants. . Nobody, from the police to [the governor], cares that these children are abused from conception to marriage.'. And in 1999, David Ortell Kingston Jeremy Kingston's uncle was sentenced to the Utah State Prison for up to 10 years for committing incest with the 16-year-old niece who became his 15th wife. . 'Right now, we are just looking at the tip of the iceberg.'. . . Children are allowed to attend public school and many go on to college. "Then, as generations of polygamous Kingston children have been taught, they demurred to questions about their father. [50][51], Davis County Cooperative leadership and members swiftly condemned the fraudulent behavior stating that "[Jacob] broke from tradition in many ways" and stressing "to members and non-members alike that this behavior is not in line with our beliefs or principles." Polygamy would have afforded the opportunity of producing from that consecrated fatherhood and motherhood the improved type of man the world needs to reveal the highest possibilities of the race, that the day of the super man might come, and with him come also the redemption and betterment of the race.'. I'd never heard of them, a polygamist, fundie cult where even 14 year olds could . Jeffs is following a long-established practice -- started by Smith 170 years ago -- of excommunicating those who do not strictly adhere to church leaders' commands. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. "[We] 'hierarchy children are from the 'elite' first families of Mormonism and these families started polygamy in America. Several people also wonder if parts of 'Escaping Polygamy' is dramatized. thus marking the first time news media reported this human and civil rights nightmare accurately since the 1850s. . . [T]he one-wife system not only degenerates the human family, both physically and intellectually, but it is entirely incompatible with philosophical notions of immortality; it is a lure to temptation, and has always proved a curse to a people. ", ("Understanding Polygamy," from "Humanists of Utah," at: http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2005/UnderstandingPolygamy_July-05.html). KUTV A large police presence swarmed a well-known polygamous family's property in South Salt Lake Wednesday.A Department of Justice Spokesman Peter Carr confirmed to KUTV that it is involved in . . "These groups are white supremacists and inbreeding is an essential doctrine in keeping the bloodline pure. "The clan's other numerous incestuous couplings among consenting adults . "Warren Jeffs, like Joseph Smith before him, has emphasized the importance of obedience among members of the church. The FLDS was formed by Mormons who refused to give up polygamy. ", ("Understanding Polygamy," from "Humanists of Utah, an Incorporated Utah Non-profit Corporation Has a Mission to Promote Joyful Living, Rational Think)ing, and Responsible Behavior," July 2005, at: http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2005/UnderstandingPolygamy_July-05.html) These disturbing accounts offer a look inside the lives of some early Mormon descendants. And it is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism, 2023 Modern Polygamy and Mormon Fundamentalism, Joseph Smith Restores the Practice of Plural Marriage, Plural Marriage Commanded, Permitted, and Not Permitted, 1920sPolygamists Coalesce into an Organization, Lorin C. Woolley and His Council of Seven Friends, Independent Polygamists and Fundamentalists. In recent years, former members have lobbied for law enforcement to take action against the sect. [12] In 1977, Elden's brother Ortell Kingston began to file for legal recognition of the church later organized as The Latter Day Church of Christ. ", -Apostle George A Smith, "Journal of Discourses," vol. During the 1920s, hundreds of dissenters from the LDS Church gathered into specific groups across the Wasatch Front. Your IP: "I never knew if I carried this deadly disease or if any preventative measures would halt its insidious march. First, the truth and the priesthood keys are dispensed from heaven to a prophet on earth. . Polygamist Is Convicted of Incest - The New York Times When the Lord chose Brother Elden through which to send this new covenant, all other covenants were thereby dissolved. According to Mormonism's top leaders: "Since the founding of the Roman empire monogamy has prevailed more extensively than in times previous to that. The Kingston family owns an enormous amount of businesses in the Utah area which employ Kingston Clan members, and Merlin Kingston was no exception to this. Let's revisit the boastful words of Mormon Church Prophet John Taylor and Mormon Church Apostle Heber C. Kimball, both quoted earlier: -Taylor, "Millennial Star," vol. Literally, if they're 8 years old, it's like taking care of a baby.' The groups, whose members believe polygamy brings exaltation in heaven, are offshoots of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. ", "Utah investigated the polygamous Kingston Group for welfare fraud 2 years ago. This is why those laws need to be enforced. If male, some of these same 'worker bees' marry only once. died of multiple sclerosis, also leaving a family of small children behind. Only the FLDS prophet can arrange and perform polygamous marriages, and those marriages are taking place in a community in which almost everybody is related. The Kingston Clan is where Jessica, Andrea, and Shanell escaped over a decade ago. In the 1940s, members of the Co-op wore blue bib overalls. Lawsuit accuses polygamous Kingston Group of child marriage, rape "The children afflicted with fumarase deficiency from these three marriages include the grandchildren of Dan Barlow and his brother, the late Louis Barlow, and Merill Jessop, a top aide to fugitive prophet Warren Jeffs. It is also a place of child abuse (court cases verify), neglected Sister Wives due to Polygamist practices (former members report this), Incest (court cases verify), and spiritual abuse (former . "Tarby says he explained to [a] gathering at [a] Town Hall in Colorado City that the only way to stop fumarase deficiency in the community is to abort fetuses that test positive for the disease and for the community to stop intermarriages between Barlows and Jessops, Barlows and Barlows and Jessops and Jessops. . . . Elden passed away from cancer in 1948 and was succeeded by his brother John Ortell Kingston (commonly known as Ortell). . [40] In 2009, the then-Attorney General of Utah, Mark Shurtleff, claimed that child marriages within polygamous societies in Utah, such as the Latter Day Church of Christ, had "effectively stopped". Certainly the British and French education systems make it clear quite early on (13-14 yrs old). _____. Carolyn regularly worked at and tended . [8][3] There are approximately 3,500 members,[9] some of whom are known to practice polygamy. "[44] Members claim they have been broadly and unfairly targeted by authorities for the negative actions of a small few. [31][32][33] During this time, some non-members and ex-members began claiming the practice stemmed from theories of genetic purification held by past leaders. If such a test were developed, a community-wide screening program could be instituted that would identify those carrying the fumarase gene. Survivors of Utah's Kingston clan sue for a slew of crimes against They are Utah-based, unlike the FLDS where the escapes are mainly Arizona-based. "It is possible that positive genetic traits could be passed along through human inbreeding. . Yet, this practice may hide the actual genetic kinship and can further exacerbate genetic problems. One of the most devastating hereditary malformations is fumarase deficiency, a rare genetic condition marked by severe mental retardation and seizures. IF polygamy really is justified in increased breeding, and since MORmON Jesus did institute such a plan according to MORmON history at one time, then how come MORmON god does not follow through and have a lot more females born in such marriages as would be required mathematically to make His _____. "I remembered the studies conducted on my brother and I as children at the University of Utah . Connie Rugg [is] one of John Ortell's estimated 65 children and one of a handful of Kingston relatives who have fled the clan. One Former LDS Fundamentalist Polygamist group understands - XMission . "All of the fumarase deficiency children Wyler has seen remain dependent on the parents or caregivers. The Kingstons represent an intriguing branch on the Mormon fundamentalist tree. . Convinced they are breeding a pure white master race, they blame the mother if a deformed baby is born then preach she was unrighteous or unclean. The girl, born to John Ortell and Isabell Johnson, was not the product of an incestuous marriage. The Prophet Josephs priorities of missionary work, temple ordinances, proxy work for the dead, and feeding the poor appear to have been lost somewhere. In this regard, officially-canonized LDS scripture that currently endorses polygamy is not the only image problem for the Mormon Church (thank you, Warren Jeffs). . Therefore, to keep the bloodline 'pure,' the Kingstons intermarry--half-brothers and sisters, uncles and nieces, aunts and nephews, and so forth. . Escaping Polygamy - Wikipedia "'I knew I would have to marry my [half-] brother ever since I was 12,' says the woman. [39], The organization continues to publicly denounce the practice of child marriage,[41][39] and maintains that marriages within the group are not coerced. "Other possible genetic traits include: microcephaly, a malformation of the skull in which the infant has a small head (ex-members say two children with microcephaly have died and eight others are institutionalized); blindness; spina bifida; Down syndrome; kidney disease and abnormal leg and arm joints. "[52][46][53] In a recent lawsuit, ex-members allege that the WRE case was an example of the concept of "bleeding the beast." Because the Lord introduced it to his servants in a revelation given to Joseph Smith, and the Lord's servants have always practiced it. "While discussing health problems at a family gathering with some of my cousins wives, we discovered astonishingly that three out of four of us, all polygamy descendants, had borne a son with a clubfoot. An MRI of the brain of one fumarase deficiency child showed that more than half the brain was missing. . . . Eldens solo experience of receiving the priesthood keys and authority is truly singular and contrasts the pattern previously given by the Lord for important priesthood conferrals that require more than one witness. Legitimate businesses, including those in the Cooperative, argued that Jacob hid the scheme from business partners as well as Co-op leadership. Although the official stance of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is against polygamy, several of the women's stories reveal that LDS leaders dismiss the deviant sects and blame the women who come to them for help. The group sought to maintain Pure Kingston Blood by arranging marriages between cousins and other close relatives, and shunning relationships that werent between white people, the lawsuit alleges. 129-30, ("Is Homosexuality or Monogamy the Ruin of Civilization?," at: http://www.i4m.com/think/sexuality/homosexual_ruin.htm) 'But just on general principles, the offspring of uncle-niece, or half-siblings have an elevated level of genetic disease. "When [my cousin] died, my childish vow surfaced and I began to look into my family history for some answers. 'And yet nobody wants to do anything about it. . Some of you may not believe this, but I not only believe it but I also know it. "In this isolated religious society north of the Grand Canyon, few secrets have been more closely guarded than the presence of fumarase deficiency. They maintain a secretive but powerful presence in Utah's Salt Lake Valley, and their estimated 7,500. . . . "'People don't like to talk about their fumarase babies for obvious reasons,' Wyler says. Family members attribute the defects to the advanced ages of the mother and father -- he was 64, she was 45. . Since the natural male-to-female ratio is roughly 50-50, the ratio must be manipulated so that there are more females than males for polygamy to work. . Re: Polygamy's Patriarchy-Poisoned Bloodline: The Genetic Catastrophe That Has Sprung from Joseph Smith's "Divine" Breeding Program of Mormon Mutation . Elden received the covenant of consecration and also the plan of temporal salvation.[2]. Jacob Kingston pleaded guilty to 41 charges, including conspiracy to commit mail fraud, aiding/assistance in filing a false claim, money laundering and obstruction. "'They are discouraging any new blood," historian Bistline says. . Tarby recounts a conversation he had with a member of the Barlow clan in which he tried to explain why so much fumarase deficiency was occurring among Mormon polygamists. As Kingston wife charged in child's death, former clan members - KUTV "All of these men have or had multiple wives and scores of children. Upon Ortells death in 1987, leadership passed to his son Paul Elden Kingston. "Recovery from Mormonism - www.exmormon.org", http://www.lds-mormon.com/quinn_polygamy.shtml, http://www.i4m.com/think/polygamy/polygamy_summary.htm. . "Genetics of Incest: Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can be traced genetically from one generation to the next and is prevalent among some Kingstons, Rugg says. . And, "We cannot and will not condone or support anyone found to be engaged in any fraudulent behaviors. "Farm Roots of Incest: Marriages in the Kingston clan must be sanctioned by [the] current head of the church . The children who can't walk, the medical experts say, have most likely suffered strokes during severe seizures. By clicking above you agree to the Terms of Use "'The "gene" that Warren is really selecting for,' Wyler says, 'is the "obedience gene. The scheme included filing for $512 million in federal renewable-fuel tax credits from 2010 to 2016 through a company named Washakie Renewable Energy LLC. While building his polygamous empire, John Ortell raised pigeons and Holsteins, prized black-and-white milk cows. [27] It is not affiliated with the mainstream LDS Church. The Kingston Group stopped proselytizing new converts when the cooperative became successful, and today they perform no missionary work of any kind. Children inherit disabling illnesses. But rather than amassing a fortune for the sake of accumulating wealth or to simply sustain a few selected leaders, donations flow into the Church coffers and out again to provide financial support for the accomplishment of the Churchs responsibilities regarding missionary work, temple work, and providing for physical welfare needs. 'Warren Jeffs is also trying to breed a perfect race.'. Not one defect, but many. One nurse confided, 'We see too many trisome l3 and l8 babies.' . I owe my children and all children who risk becoming the next unwitting victims of this tragic genetic legacy the best information regarding the prevention of this lethal family inheritance that I can find. . "If descendants of polygamy do not look critically at the ideas of their ancestors, Utah children may be increasingly at risk. The founders of that ancient empire were robbers and women-stealers, and made laws favoring monogamy in consequence of the scarcity of women among them, and hence this monogamic system which now prevails throughout Christendom, and which had been so fruitful a source of prostitution and whoredom throughout all the Christian monogamic cities of the Old and New World, until rottenness and decay are at the root of their institutions both national and religious. At least six of Merlin's incestuously conceived children in turn married half-siblings, couplings that subsequently produced children with various deformities, says Rowenna Erickson, an ex-member who left her polygamous husband. [20] Long-time leader John Ortell Kingston lived in a small one-story clapboard house in Salt Lake City up until the time of his death in 1987. Winnipeg's Bear Clan still active during pandemic, despite 'small COVID . The Southern Poverty Law Center recognizes the Kingston clan as an " incest and white supremacy " group for its practices outlined in Escaping Polygamy, which include teaching children to not associate themselves with non-white people and, as mentioned by the lawsuit, marrying underage children off to family members of The Order. The couple had lived together since the age of 7, when the mother of the woman's half-brother died. He tells community residents that they should undergo genetic screening before marriage, but they've ignored the suggestion, Tarby said. . "With a well-thought-out plan," Hope After Polygamy explains, "she was successful; the judge granted her emancipation when she was 17 years old. The trial of the man, David Ortell Kingston . "This great-grandfather married two sisters which meant the 22 known children were double cousins or as genetically similar as brother and sister. . "In 1996, the now 31-year-old Kingston mother of two slow-growing children sought explanations at Primary Children's Medical Center. Desert Tech Ownership Warning : r/longrange - reddit . . . . [46], In July 2019, Jacob Kingston, Isaiah Kingston, and two others pled guilty to participating in a fraud scheme masterminded by Lev Derman, a non-member and Armenian national. For a man of God to be confined to one woman is small business. It gets pretty bleak when it gets that close.' Polygamy is a legacy of the early teachings of the mainstream church, which abandoned the practice in 1890 and now strictly prohibits it. Shuvrajit Das Biswas. Over the past decades, the Kingston Group has maintained extreme secrecy while developing an extensive cooperative system, with wealth in at least 50 corporations in Utah and scattered across the West. We've received your submission. People are always trying to find people who are inferior and brand them as such.' . . . Kingston was able to name only nine of his thirteen children by a second woman, Rachael Ann Kingston. Outwardly, she appeared to have no sex organs. ', "The ultimate goal of the breeding program, Wyler says, is to create the perfect race. mating in a way that increases genetic diseases, that the public ends up supporting, it becomes a matter of public interest.'. The Kingston family is quite real and is a polygamous unit. "'Warren has to be really careful that he doesn't lose his position as a god to these people,' Wyler says. The group has drawn legal attention before. "Roughly one in four Americans say 'most Mormons' support the practice of polygamy . ', "Wyler says he has seen some fumarase deficiency children who can walk, but others can barely move and spend their entire lives prone. "Of the Kingstons, Williams says: 'There is not much you can do about them. These wives sometimes became known, sometimes not. . "Dr. Tarby, who routinely treats fumarase deficiency children at a state-funded clinic in Flagstaff, says, 'They are funny-looking kids [with] biggish heads and coarse, thick features.' _____, --Inbreeding for the Lord: the Mutative Aftermath of LDS-"Inspired" Polygamy Among Mormonism's Doctrinal Adherents. 'They have the authoritarian structure necessary to keep this from happening, but I don't think they have the advanced thinking,' Aleck says. . We specifically read that the law of consecration is designed to administer to the poor and the needy (D&C 42:35). Members' financial holdings are believed to include: a 300-acre (1.2km2) dairy farm in Davis County; a 3,200-acre (13km2) farm in Tetonia, Idaho; a coal mine in Emery County;[24] 1,200 acres (4.9km2) in Terreton, Idaho; a cattle ranch and a discount store; Desert Tech Firearms; a grocery store; and a restaurant supply in many western cities including Tucson, Phoenix, Denver, Las Vegas, Boise, and Portland. They have no movement. "The fact that fumarase deficiency had shown up in one child was startling enough--there had only been a handful of cases reported worldwide. "'It would have been unusual if he wasn't using artificial insemination in his herd, and by virtue of that, was probably using semen from some bulls that had been inbred,' says Dennis Green, a professor of beef cattle genetics at Colorado State University. Although it is a felony under Utah law for close relatives to have sex, only one Kingston -- John and LaDonna's fifth son, David Ortell -- has been criminally charged with incest. . Duringa 2020 trialfor a California businessman accused of carrying out a nearly $500 million biodiesel fraud scheme with a member of the Kingston Group, attorneys for the businessman called the Kingstons an incestuous polygamous group that is always scheming to defraud the US government in what the group calls bleeding the beast., A spokesman for the group, Kent Johnson, called those allegations categorically false.. requote from Steve's excellent post ! . Wyler says he once saw a fumarase deficiency child suffer a seizure while she was sitting with her mother and two other children also suffering from the disorder. . . Is 'Escaping Polygamy' Real? Find out If The Lifetime - Distractify . She suffered from. . But residents who are aware of fumarase deficiency fear that the number of children afflicted with the disease will indeed increase. SALT LAKE CITY A local non-profit with ties to the polygamous Kingston group is facing multiple questions and accusations regarding its taxes. 'Right away I asked the parents if there were any other children with the same problem.' "'They are in terrible shape,' says Dr. Kirk A. Aleck, director of the Pediatric Neurogenetics Center at St. Joseph's Hospital. Members of a powerful polygamous group in Utah claim they were forced into underage marriages with their relatives to keep their blood pure, were raped by their husbands and had to perform child labor, according to a bombshell lawsuit. Among the participants was Charles W. Kingston. [5] Michael Janofsky, Young Brides Stir New Outcry on Utah Polygamy, New York Times, February 27, 2003, Late EditionFinal Section A-1. . Escaping Polygamy is an American documentary television series that premiered on December 30, 2014, on LMN.The show now airs on Lifetime, but can also be viewed on Tubi, and follows the work of three sisters who left the Kingston clan, a polygamous group based in Salt Lake City, Utah known as The Order, as they help family and/or friends break free of polygamy. The Kingston family first embraced polygamy around 1931 when, according to author Max Anderson, Charles W. Kingston helped produce a pamphlet that contained a version of Lorin C. Woolley's claims that former LDS Church President John Taylor had set aside a select group of men to carry on polygamy even as the church publicly disavowed the practice. [in order] to reduce competition for wives. v. Kingston, et al., Third Judicial District Court of Salt Lake County, UT (2022)", "Fallout from Washakie fraud could cost polygamous Kingston Group members their businesses and homes", https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/07/29/fallout-washakie-fraud/, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Latter_Day_Church_of_Christ&oldid=1137075084, Jason Kingston allegedly had a relationship with his half-sister Andrea Johnson, who became pregnant in 1992.
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