Smith hinted that RCBS MatchMaster dies in 7mm PRC are in the works. Required fields are marked *. F-Class A to Z with Erik Cortina + Special Guest! . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. RCBS Matchmaster 6mm ARC Rifle Reloading Die - Matchmaster dies are the pinnacle of reloading dies with rich features, outstanding fit and finish, and unbeatable accuracy. On standard mode, the extreme spread of the Match master was actually better than twice as good as advertised at .091gr. Out of Stock. 338LM is a Matchmaster, 300WM and 6.5CM are Gold Medal, and the 308 is a competition die. It's the same shoulder, is it possible to buy a different guide and stem and use the same die by swapping internals? I have zero experience with FL neck bushing dies, I only have Forster FL dies (no bushing). !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? RCBS MatchMaster Dies are the pinnacle of what a reloading die should be. I have 2 sets of them. Free Shipping & Free Returns* EXPEDITED SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. Lastly, do not try to use the MatchMaster attached to the same local electrical supply as an electrical discharge machining unit. Neck sizing die sets (like the 6mm Creedmoor set I showed in the video). var _gaq = _gaq || [];
I have encountered a few quirks along the way that were really the only hitches in the easy nature of the system. I recently purchased a set and prefer them over Redding or Forster microseaters. Quality dies give you the accuracy needed for a competitive advantage. These new MatchMaster dies are notable for four features: 1. See Terms. First, the dispenser is a good deal better than +/- .04gr. Ultra Magnum, Refine by Caliber: .300 Win. nothing else to compare it to regarding quality, accuracy, consistency, etc. There are two updates for the MATCHMASTER Competition Seater: Heres a closeup showing the MATCHMASTER Competition Seater die on the RCBS Rock Chucker Supreme: If you are interested in getting your own set of RCBS MATCHMASTER dies, you can check out the complete collection at Midsouth Shooters Supply: What do you think of these new dies? The titanium nitride coated expander offers silky-smooth case . The Competition Seating Die features a self-centering, free-floating bullet-seating stem. change in bullet seating depth. To qualify for the Free Dies deal, the MatchMaster must be purchased 4/1/2021 through 4/30/2021. . kcobean; Dec 29, 2022; Reloading Depot ; Replies 7 Views 334 . I wonder what's really new about the Matchmaster die, I have one downstairs that is around 30 yrs old, has the bullet window, I would guess it's the 1st edition of that type of die for them. What sets the MatchMaster seating die apart from the competition is our bullet seating window with bullet retaining system. In addition to having a sliding alignment sleeve, VLD friendly floating stem, and micrometer adjust bullet seating depth, it also has a window to load the bullets through literally cut out of the side. Thank you for the great info and write-up. The thimble now has scalloped cuts rather than knurling- this looks nice and also makes it easier to grip the thimble, especially if you have case lube on your hands. . RCBS MatchMaster Seater Die. And users can fine-tune any load with the micrometer-adjustable, free-floating, self-centering bullet seating stem., RCBS Product Manager Will Hemeyer explained that the new Competition Seater is a game-changer. January 26, 2023 Gavin 7mm PRC, Beginner Reloading, Getting Started, Hornady, Products, RCBS, RCBS MatchMaster, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Videos, Rifle Reloading, SHOT Show 2023, Ultimate Reloader 2023 SHOT Show, 338 Weatherby RPM, 360 Buckhammer, 7mm PRC, full length die set, Hornady, Matchmaster, NEW, RCBS, Reloading, Reloading Blog, Reloading Dies, Reloading Press, Reloading Videos, SHOT Show, Single Stage, Ultimate Reloader, Your email address will not be published. Excellent article. Preview and learn how to use the MatchMaster Seater Die and see how easy it is to get seating bullets straighter than you ever have before. The scale on the MatchMaster reads to .02 and it is set up to stop dispensing on values of +/-.02gr. Product Details. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on J The MatchMaster seating die is more unique. Your Price . It seems like that is the way things are supposed to work, but in real life they almost never work that way (a little heads up for those of you young and just entering the job market.). The ram is camming over. Similar Products to RCBS MatchMaster Competition Seat Dies. Benchrest shooters and long-range precision shooters have been using these systems for years to precisely set the amount of neck tension on the bullet allowing them to achieve the most accuracy possible. More Matchmaster die pics - My loading bench has seen some things . For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The feel of its micrometer adjust is really good and its incremental markings proved to be spot on accurate. The seating stem itself will also be shaped to more evenly distribute the seating force on the bullet ogive and not smash the tips of long, thin, VLD, or tipped bullet geometries. RCBS 15530 Neck Resizing Decaping Die 308 Winchester. They are feature-rich with outstanding fit and finish and unbeatable accuracy. Seater die includes a bullet seater This item is not available for pre-order at this time. If y. Match grade seating dies will have even more departures from their standard counterparts. The seating die won't seat a bullet. I want to buy one for 6.5 Grendel and 6 ARC. To use it, you of course need to first get some bushings. Of course, for the ammo produced to actually perform better than factory it has to be made using good equipment. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 15_5 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) GSA/219.0.457350353 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1. Bottom line, you can run these dies without expanders if you want, but that option is available. The bullet sits quite low in the die, in what is essentially a long tubular alignment section not much larger than the bullet diameter. If you think you are going to use mixed headstamp range pickup brass, ball powder, cheap bullets, entry level dies, and an inexpensive volumetric powder throw to produce match ammo you are very much mistaken. Did anyone end up with a set, and if so do you have any feedback? I swear, they are never completely empty. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. RCBS. Remember the shell holder -Click Here to Get Yours. How to set up and use your MatchMaster Seating die. These RCBS dies work well for me. The MatchMaster seating die is more unique. Weve had great experiences with it on the channel so far. Most Popular. Since I don't really need a whole new set of dies, I was thinking of getting just a micrometer style seating die and RCBS MatchMaster die seems interesting, and I kind of like the bullet window. Another benefit of neck bushings is they keep the brass working to a minimum to help extend the life of your brass cases. The Sartorius scale specs are super impressive, but do we know if these is a NIST traceable calibration for this scale, or was it checked with NIST traceable weights, or checked for repeatability with such weights. Add To Cart. Each die is made from case hardened . RCBS Reloading Dies.30 carbine RN. In any case, the MatchMaster in standard mode certainly torches a ChargeMaster or two any way you look at it. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
The bullet window system RCBS has come up with is faster and more comfortable than anything else I have tried. })(); To comment on a post, click Post Title or "Comment" Link. I really think they missed the mark on that. Redding vs RCBS. RCBS now offers full length die sets for both calibers as well as the Weatherby 338 RPM. Poll: What Reloading Components Cant You Find? Baron85. Dispensing time averaged 19.33 seconds, slightly better than the 20 seconds advertised. Poll: What handgun cartridge do you reload most often? Mag. The way that this seating die works is that you drop the bullet, tail down, in the die through the window in the top. 1.0 rating with 1 review review & rate 1 Questions & 1 Answers. The lettering and marks are easy to read thanks to their size and how they contrast against the beautifully blued body finish. Simply place the bullet in the window and raise the case into the die to seat the bullet. Matchmaster Matrizensatz > 2. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for RCBS 29001 Full Length Die Set at the best online prices at eBay! That would yield an extreme spread of .08gr, and it was better than that at all weights. 2. For shooters who demand reloads equal to the quality of their guns, choose RCBS dies. Share the post "RCBS Offers New MatchMaster Sizing and Seating Dies", Tags: Bushing Dies, Gavin Gear, MatchMaster Dies, Neck Bushing, RCBS, RCBS Dies, Reloading, Titanium Nitride Expander, Ultimate Reloader. RCBS MATCHMASTER COMPETITION DIE SET. _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
This bullet window is where . These are available in eight calibers: 308 WIN, 6mm Creedmoor, 6.5mm Creedmoor, 243 WIN, 300 AAC Blackout, 223 REM, 300 WIN MAG, and 3006 Springfield. Matchmaster Provides Alignment Through the Seating Process. Matchmaster Provides Alignment Through the Seating Process. i'm brand new to reloading, and got the rcbs matchmaster seater die for .223. so far so good, i like the ease of dropping the bullet in the window vs sitting it atop the case for my handgun calibers. The MatchMaster Neck Sizing Die Set also uses RCBS neck bushings to control neck tension while not changing the body dimensions of fired cases. . Poll: Where are you finding reloading primers and powder? Redding bushings in rcbs matchmaster dies? This review got me curious about the relationship between charge to charge variance in powder weight and vertical spread downrange. Hunting Gun Rifle Reloading Dies, RCBS Hunting Gun Reloading Dies, Lyman Hunting Gun Reloading Dies, Lee Precision Reloading Press & Equipment; Additional site navigation . It features a large, oversized adjustment knob that also has oversized letters and hash marks making it both precise to turn, as . The MatchMaster seater die is beautifully machined, polished, and finished off with a deep-blued finish similar to the finish you would find on some of the finest firearms. I bought the Redding ones to get started. Lagerstatus: . RCBS MatchMaster Neck Size Bushing Die Set For .300 PRC Caliber - 28610. 4830-32940. Dec 23, 2021. You are using an out of date browser. Item Code. Are RCBS neck bushings suggested to be used with this die or can other brand bushings be used? Includes Plas. Simply drop in the appropriate size bushing for your brass and start sizing. By signing up for this notification you are opting in to receive emails from RCBS and its affiliate brands. Typically, match grade dies can also be set up to be used with or without an expander ball whereas standard dies must always be used with an expander. This was actually the first time I have ever plotted one of my load development powder charge targets. About Us Policies. Over 75 Years of Reloading history. Do not attempt to repair or modify any firearms based on information on this website. That doesnt put it between a ChargeMaster and an AutoTrickler, but basically neck and neck with the AutoTrickler. On the theme of drains, whenever you are draining the powder to put the thing away or change powders, leave both the platen attached and pan on it. In practice, I found the sizer die to work just fine, though it is pretty indistinguishable from other match grade dies I have encountered. To use the measure you will also need about one-third (1/3) pound of powder in the hopper. Ive noticed that RCBS does make a micrometer adjustable competition seater die. PP F&F, Venmo, or Zelle. Dial one-thousandth of an inch, and that is exactly what you will get. Check out our selection of 243 reloading dies for sale from great brands like Forster, Hornady, Lee, and more! Free shipping. I needed a 22 cal seating die for a 22 Creed. Most reviews start by a company finding me on the Hide and making a request, or with me discovering their product in relation to some particular theme I am examining at the time, thinking it looks compelling, and making a request of them. I do have a set of Redding dies for a 6mm AR and the seating die have about 25% less 'runout' than the RCBS dies. I will break these down into the three basic tiers of standard, match, and custom. RCBS is offering its own precision-machined Neck Bushings. RCBS Rangemaster 2000 Electronic Scales (8) $187.45 (Save 29%) $133.99 On Sale. B. K. Best 6GT dies? Zero Compromise MPCT3 Reticle Detailed Explanation. This demo site is only for demonstration purposes. HmmmYeah, that sounds a bit long for the Forster, as they tend to have the die sit higher up. RCBS MatchMaster Dies are the pinnacle of what a reloading die should be. RCBS MatchMaster Dies are the pinnacle of what a reloading die should be. I have the MM's in 6GT. No More Mashed Fingers When Seating Bullets RCBS has introduced a new series of MatchMaster Competition Dies. This item is not available for pre-order at this time. I reload because I can reload hotter than factory and with a little better velocity SDs. Utilizes Neck Bushing to Control Neck Tension (Sold Separately) Sizing Die Include Titanium Carbo Nitride Expander for reduced brass build up on expander and smooth case extraction. I was honestly a bit surprised to see how linear the relationship between powder charge and velocity is. The titanium nitride coated expander offers . Thanks for the great info! RCBS MatchMaster Competition FL Bushing Sets Up to 34% Off w/ Free Shipping. So I have to imagine they are great as well. To make the shopping experience with Brownells better, we have a number of representatives in Europe. 243 Winchester Matchmaster Competition Seat Die. Velocity is not actually related to energy in a linear fashion. RCBS makes bare steel and coated bushings, but the coated ones seem to be harder to find. Lastly, the MatchMaster die sets actually seem to be selling for a little less money than competing designs. The best fit line of velocity = 142.98 (grains of powder) 471.83 indicates that one grain of powder is worth 142.98fps, which would make .1 grain worth 14.3 fps. That equation would not suggest a simple linear relationship on its own, let alone when the complications of case capacity and primer propellant are added. Case concentricity is a huge part of potential accuracy, and Matchmaster dies deliver incredible results to shrink your groups. I've been using RCBS dies for .308 and 30-06 and I'm kind of tired of how the seating depth is adjusted. MactchMaster Neck-Sizing Only Die MatchMaster Competition dies summary and conclusion. Add To Cart. The worst it did on any set of match mode measurements was .066gn extreme spread. var _gaq = _gaq || [];
Or fastest delivery Thu, Mar 2 . You must log in or register to reply here. These sets include the standard full-length dies, appropriate shellholder and case gauge conveniently all in one. All images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Markings are etched onto the die using a different method thats cleaner compared to the old method. You do not have access to Roughly 34 sec for 95gr charges vs. 31 sec for 22.6gr charges. The first is that smartphones are what they are and the RCBS program initially wanted to crash on mine when interfacing with the measure. We are pleased to be the first to release the new RCBS MatchMaster die set--a combination of the best features from both the Gold Medal and Competition series. However, Forster doesn't offer a 7.5 Swiss die and Redding doesn't look like they do either. And users can fine-tune any load with the micrometer-adjustable, free-floating, self-centering bullet seating stem., RCBS Product Manager Will Hemeyer explained that the new Competition Seater is a game-changer. Also in case of my 223 GM die I am expanding my 223 necks beyond normal size to seat .225 lead cast bullets and it works. These representatives will help ease the extensive licensing and shipping complications associated with purchasing products from our U.S. website. The answer is it depends. Ultimate Reloader LLC is not responsible for errors in load data on this website. About Us Policies. The Concept of the RCBS MatchMaster powder dispenser is really of an all-in-one solution for powder handling for the precision shooter. That is to say, how much an inaccurate powder measure will eat up your error budget. $239.00. RCBS is constantly looking at ways they can make their products better. NEW RCBS MATCHMASTER Dies! LEE 91035 Rifle Full Length Steel Sizing Die 223 REM - 91035 - FREE SHIPPING!! Poll: What Reloading Components Cant You Find? The MatchMaster Neck Sizing Dies do include a titanium-nitride coated expander, just like the FL-sizing MatchMaster dies. 338LM - $90 OBO SOLD 300WM - $70 OBO 6.5CM - $80 OBO SOLD 308 Win - $50 OBO SOLD Frankly we strongly recommend that you full-length size your rifle rounds, but we acknowledge that some hand-loaders prefer to neck size for some applications. To make these dies even more attractive, right now, though the end of April, 2021, you can get a FREE set of MatchMaster Dies if you purchase an RCBS MatchMaster electronic powder scale/dispenser. The result is superbly concentric ammunition. How surprising! RCBS MatchMaster Competition seating and FL sizing dies disassembled. Dial one-thousandth of an inch, and that is exactly what you will get. We include a .266" bushing to get you started! There is very little play between the bullet and this alignment section. The MatchMaster seater die is beautifully machined, polished, and finished off with a deep-blued finish similar to the finish you would find on some of the finest firearms. Ultimate Reloader LLC is not responsible for errors in load data on this website. $155.99 - $179.99. $239.00. A real step up in user friendliness. Fantastic article, I am in the market for Match Grade Dies and this is an eye opener review. Your email address will not be published. . That brings us to why I reload the precision rifle despite precision rifle being by far the most time consuming and PITA of all things to reload for. 2. $107.88. RCBS 11108 F L Die Set Matchmaster 223 Rem. . Sort by. I believe starting out of alignment very slightly damages the bullet and case so that you often cant tell just by looking at them, but in such a way that downrange performance suffers greatly. They have clarified this to me to mean all charges will be within + or that .04 or .1 grains from the users setting. Both the Neck-Sizing and FL-Sizing dies come with TiN expanders for smoother case extraction and reduced brass build-up on the expander. Watch Gavins video: Why Use Expander with Bushing Dies? RCBS MatchMaster Powder Dispenser RCBS. We Use the Best Steel and Proprietary Manufacturing to Deliver the Best Reloading Dies on the Market! These sets include the standard full-length dies, appropriate shellholder and case gauge conveniently all in one. What sets the MatchMaster Seating Die apart from the competition is a bullet-seating window with bullet-retaining system. This gives you a lot of flexibility in how you use it, even to the point of fine tuning each specific dispensing stage to minimize charge dispensing time on you favorite load. Important! Tested in 6mm Creedmoor, complete collection at Midsouth Shooters Supply, Subscribe to Ultimate Reloader Reloading Blog by Email, NEW DAA Infra-Red Low Powder Sensor (Hands-On). I know Hornady had to mod some of their early New Dimension seater dies, because they were too long for Forster presses (and we know how popular they are with the precision crowd). DiffEQ. Share the post "RCBS MatchMaster Dies Review and Free Dies Promotion", Tags: MatchMaster Dies, Matchmaster powder dispenser, MatchMaster Promotion, Ported Seating Dies, RCBS Dies. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; height: auto; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; }. You may not reproduce original text or photos without advanced permission in writing. Free Shipping & Free Returns* EXPEDITED SHIPPING on Over 250,000 Products. The bushing die allows you to use interchangeable diameter-specific neck bushings to dial in the perfect amount of neck tension. Smith hinted that RCBS MatchMaster dies in 7mm PRC are . The look, fit, and finish is great and I LOVE the way they work. $155.99 - $179.99. Sponsored. Im probably going to order a set of .223 to try them out unless somebody tells me theyre shit. . By accepting these terms, you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this website. I think that failure to align the bullet perfectly at the start is deadly to down range accuracy. Ultimate Reloader LLC / Making with Metal Disclaimer: (by reading this article and/or watching video content you accept these terms). Check out with Sezzle and split your entire order into 4 interest-free payments over 6 weeks. Quantifying the relationship between powder charge and velocity.
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