Photo: AP. Montano alerted police to the couples crimes against her, but authorities never investigated her claims until after Vigils escape. Jesse had spiked Garrett's beer with roofies before her father had attached a dog collar and leash to her and dragged her back to his trailer. People may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. The horrific crimes that Ray is believed to have committed didn't come to light until the escape of Cynthia Virgil, however, it is believed that his sick spree of torture and murder began sometime in the mid-1950s. Long, flowing blond hair, piercing blue eyes and a . She was abducted and subjected to days of torture before Yancy murdered her while Ray filmed it. That evidence, along with the testimony of credible witnesses such as Yancy, Jessy Ray, and Hendy, got him prosecuted. Not much is known about his childhood other than he lived with his grandfather but saw his father on a regular basis, his father is known to have beaten him. In 1939, David Parker Ray was conceived in Belen, New Mexico. Growing up, she was exposed at a very young age to her father's masochistic lifestyle, who did little to hide his deviancy from her. The murders were sick. Transcript of David Parker Ray's Audio Tape - Toy Box Killer. 59-year-old David Ray and 39-year-old Cindy Hendy were leaving their trailer in a Toyota RV when the cops pulled in. In the tiny hamlet of Belen, David Parker Ray was born in November 1939 to grow up in a fragmented family marked by violence. 4. He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. Born Cynthia Lea Hendy in 1960, the future kidnapper and sexual criminal had a troubled childhood. He told me I was never going to see my family again. No matter how many places they checked, they were never able to find any bodies, said Martinez. Ray was sentenced to 224 years in prison after being convicted of numerous offenses involving the abduction and sexual torture of three young women at his Elephant Butte Lake home. He told the police he couldn't reach her by phone, so he went to investigate. I then spent the next couple of hours googling stuff and one thing I cannot find is anything about his daughter Glenda Jean Ray aka Jesse Ray. Kelli was there to drink and unwind after an argument with her husband. (Photo Credit: Joe Raedle/ Getty Images). Three days later, she fled into the sunlight and sought help in Lorraine Beechs living room. Ray took it from there and invited the prostitute to his trailer. New Mexico Corrections DepartmentCindy Hendy was in prison for 20 years and released without parole in 2019. Ray used a tape-recorded message, which victims recalled as terrifying. It was 1969 and David Ray embraced the hippie lifestyle, including free love. Privacy Policy. From his teenage years and through the most part of his life, Ray is alleged to have abducted, raped, mutilated and killed about 40 unsuspecting victims. Angelica Montano, a woman who had known Ray, told the police how she had visited his house to borrow some cake mix before he had drugged, raped, and tortured her and left her for dead by the highway out in the desert. Jessy set her sights on getting Kelli home to her dad and, after drugging her drink, called her dad to pick them up from the bar. Meet Cindy Hendy, The Girlfriend Of The Toy Box Killer Who Supplied Him With Victims. Cindy Hendy was sentenced to 36 years in prison, whilst Jesse Ray received a sentence of 9 years in prison. He would take women to his trailer after abducting them, usually drugging them first. She claimed to lead them to burial sites, but there was nothing there. Although smitten with his infant daughter, who displayed a strong-willed temperament, David Ray abandoned his family: a wife, three young children and his mother. Caught on Tutor's fishing line was an 80 pound "gunnysack" filled with what he thought was "animal flesh." The sack was "split along its seam". Serial Killer David Parker Ray (aka) The Toy-Box Killer, was active for 43 years between 1957-1999, known to have ( 3 confirmed / 60 possible ) victims. Thats because Ray died of a heart attack in May 2002, three years into his prison sentence. Now the police had the testimony of two victims, the case against Ray grew much stronger and the police were able to put pressure on Hendy, who quickly folded and started telling the police everything she knew about the murders. The only thing David Ray showed much aptitude for was building and fixing machinery. They seemed to feed off of each other, and Cindy got an opportunity to let go of all of her inhibitions, said reporter Yvette Martinez. FBI investigators and New Mexico authorities searching for bodies on David Parker Rays property. It was like he knew what he was doing. Is it easy to get an internship at Microsoft? As a student, she worked in a variety of research positions, including as an archivist. She had served two and a half years. The DISGUSTING ToyBox Killer & His Daughter | David Parker RayStart speaking a new language in 3 weeks with Babbel Get up to 65% OFF in your new subscript. She was working the night of March 19, 1999 when she was approached by a man wanting to hire her. He would prey on dozens of women over the next thirteen years. But because of her courage, there will be none after her. He told me he would kill me like the others.". His victims, who struggled with drug addiction and often made their living through sex work, were not taken seriously by authorities, including local police and the FBI. Jesse Ray and Yancy claimed to have accompanied him to multiple sites to dispose of the bodies. David Ray's daughter, Glenda Jean Ray, who went by the nickname Jesse, was the spitting image of her father, who she adored. Rays sister found his stash of pornography when he was 14, but when she asked him about it, he made light of it. Like the other women, she was drugged, raped, subjected to electric shock and bound using a variety of gruesome methods. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The fourth marriage didnt last. What the police found in Rays Toy Box, and on the property of his trailer, is shocking. He parked it on Bass Road and named it the Toy Box, and began using his decades of mechanical experience to construct a torture chamber. Breech called 911. A Bag of Goo. Jesse helped her father with most of his evil activities, although she had initially warned the authorities of her father's suspected criminal activities. His final victim, Cynthia Vigil was abducted by David and Cindy as he did the usual routine of posing as an undercover cop who was arresting her for soliciting. Vigil Jaramillo, who escaped from Ray's trailer near Elephant . This Serial Killer was active in the following countries: United States. When his father visited and brought copies of True Detective magazine, Ray ate them up. Despite his troubled childhood, there is no explicit indication of what caused Ray to begin his torturous acts in the 1950s. Troia disappeared late Sept. 30 or early Oct. 1, 1995. He drove her to the toy box. When they arrived, he chained her to a table and put her in a dog collar. Nevertheless, the justice system prevented him from striking again. Ray worked alone and with others including his daughter Jesse, his friend Dennis Roy Yancy, and some of his girlfriends most notably Cindy Hendy. "The way he talked, I didnt feel like this was his first time," Vigil said in a later interview. A decade after David Parker Ray was convicted of sexually torturing and kidnapping women in the small . She would never give the kids a dime, a childhood friend recalled. Goalcast is an inspiring community for achievers dedicated to helping you improve all aspects of your life. And there's a possibility she could be the product of an incest relationship between David Parker Ray and his daughter. On March 19, 1999, a 22-year-old woman by the name of Cynthia Vigil was working as a sex worker in a car park in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when she was approached by a man who claimed to be an undercover police officer, he told her that she was being arrested for solicitation of sex work and put into the back of his car. Vigil was able to quickly unchain herself while Hendy was out of the room, but she soon realized what had happened when she returned. The official estimate is between 40 and 60. On May 28, 2002, just three years into his 224-year sentence, David Parker Ray died of a heart attack. Yancy admitted to aiding in the 1997 murder of Marie Parker, following days of torture by Ray. David Parker Ray (November 6, 1939 - May 28, 2002), also known as the Toy-Box Killer, was an American kidnapper, torturer, serial rapist and suspected serial killer. He was 23-years-old, employed as a truck mechanic, and within three years would meet his third wife, Glenda Burdine, 18 and a single mom. A friend of Jesse's named Dennis Yancy was convicted for the 1999 strangulation death of Marie Parker (per KRQE News). His parents were Cecil and Nettie Ray. Bianca Mercuri is a qualified writer with a BA in Journalism and five years of online publishing experience. But, their relationship wasnt always perfect. David Parker Ray was born on November 6th 1939 in Belen, city in New Mexico, United States. David Parker Ray (November 6, 1939 - May 28, 2002), also known as the Toy-Box Killer, was an American kidnapper, torturer, serial rapist and suspected serial killer.Though no bodies were found, Ray was accused by his accomplices of killing several women, and was suspected by the police to have murdered as many as sixty women from Arizona and New Mexico while living in Elephant Butte, New . She enjoyed aggressive, near-violent sex that included rape fantasies. While being held captive at his "Toy Box" trailer, Ray tortured and raped her for two days, whilst keeping her under the influence of date-rape drugs the entire time, two days later when he had grown "bored" with her, Ray slit her throat and dumped her body on the side of a road. Date Apprehended: March 22, 1999 Criminal penalty: 224 years imprisonment Date of Death: May 28, 2002 Ethnicity: White Nationality: American Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Sexual Orientation: Straight . Though investigators could place Ray at the assault, it was never proven that he or Jesse Ray was responsible for Parker's death. Still, Jessy went to the authorities and told them what her dad and new mom were up to. On July 5, 1997, Tom McCouley reported that his half-sister, Sylva Marie Parkerno relation to David Parker Raywas missing from her home in Elephant Butte township in New Mexico. I felt for Angela cause her and I were friends, Hendy said. Where is David Ray Parker's daughter? He told me I was never going to see my family again. You can always trust me to give you my 100% honest reviews on my channel, thank you so much for watching and supporting me. White settlers began moving here in the late 1890s after the Early Day Homestead act offered free land for ranching and farming, but generations of Spanish families from old Mexico ranched and farmed since Santa Fe became the capital in 1610. (Photo Credit: Joe Raedle/ Getty Images). By Parkaman on January 12, 2018 1. As of April 2015, Ray's "Toy Box" remains in the possession of the Albuquerque FBI. . Summary of David Ray's Biography. He told me he would kill me like the others.. Hendy was around 11 when he crawled into her bed and attempted to rape her. When her youngest child turned 10, Hendy gave up on raising them and sent them off to their grandparents. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. And the Rays' friend Dennis Yancy was charged with the murder of a young woman who disappeared in . Ray was sentenced to 224 years but died of a heart attack on May 28, 2002. After 19 years in prison, Hendy was released on July 15, 2019. In a true tale of survival, Vigil-Jaramillo escaped an early death, and countless women from the same fate. Ray predominantly targeted sex workers. She also gave birth to three children with three different men, and like her mother, she struggled to take care of them. Montano was picked up by police but there had been no follow-up on her case. His caretakers were his paternal grandparents, and he and his sister Peggy were raised under the ultra-strict hand of their fundamentalist grandfather, who showed little affection. courtesy of Getty Images The "Toy Box Killer," David Parker Ray.Cynthia Vigil, 22, was hooking up in a parking lot in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on Monday when a guy . The 30-minute tape introduced to his abductees - predominantly women in their early 20s - a general "advisory" meant to . Her role consisted of helping him track down victims, watching as he brutalized them, and occasionally helping him torment them. Ray shouted out a . Authorities searched for remains again in 2011, near Elephant Butte Lake, but founding nothing. Cecil married in the mid-1930s, to a woman from Belen called Nettie. David Parker Ray managed to win two of the cases put against him at trial, however, the "Toy Box Killer" was sentenced to 224 years in prison for the numerous offenses that were involved in the abduction and sexual torture of these three women. It was a spree his daughter, Jessy Ray, knew about. Authorities, meanwhile, scoured his property for human remains. Yancy served 12 years in prison. Cindy Hendy was in prison for 20 years and released without parole in 2019. Suffering from the effects of the drugs that she was plied with, Garrett had a limited recollection of the exact events that she had been made to endure, but she did remember being raped by David Parker Ray. Have a nice day., Deputy District attorney Jim Yontz holds photographs that have been presented as evidence showing the torture devices used by David Parker Ray, April 17, 1999. By night, he was something else entirelythe leader of a satanic group, a sexual sadist, and a prolific torturer of women. When a reporter asked Hendy if she was in any way involved, she replied: After their arrest, Ray and Hendy initially claimed Vigil was a heroin addict that they were trying to detox. Had a social worker or school psychologist seen evidence of a disturbed mind in David Ray, someone might have made a note or started a file, but he wouldnt begin committing crimes until after high school. For Ray, this meant exploring the desert and, later, motoring around on his dirt bike. In July 1997, a homeless woman living on the shores of Elephant Butte Lake was allegedly strangled to death by Dennis Roy Yancy. Who exactly is the Toy Box Killer, and how did Cynthia Vigil-Jaramillos act of immense valor potentially save dozens, or even hundreds, of women? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. His father was a drunkard who often quarreled with and lashed out at his mother. Six days later, a man fishing in Elephant Butte Lake found a body floating in the McCrea Canyon area. Festooned on every wall were whips and chains and pulleys and clamps and handcuffs and dildosmany of which were spiked . From the many recordings and items found at the scene, persecutors were able to charge David Parker Ray for his crimes against Cynthia Vigil as well as two other women: Kelli Garrett and Angelica Montano. Later in life, she changed her name frequently, going by Jesse or Jessy most of the time. Her cooperation revealed even more of the couples sadistic methods: forcing victims to look at themselves being mutilated and shoving them into a wooden contraption so dogs and acquaintances could rape them. Here are their stories: Billy Bowers was Rays long-time business partner, who was reported missing by his family on Sept. 22, 1988. He met another woman in 1962, and this marriage only lasted a few months. Aside from the fact that he was primarily raised by his grandfather and frequently visited his father, who beat him, little is known . Be very quiet. Hers is a true-crime story with a satisfying ending a rarity in kidnapping cases. By the time law enforcement arrived, shed covered Jaramillo up and was talking to her in a soothing voice. Bullied in school and abused at home, he turned to drugs and alcohol, self-medicating and self-soothing. Ray was always a bit of an outcast. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Cynthia Vigil, one of Ray's torture victims, escaped from the Toy Box on March 22, 1999, after Ray tortured her for three days. Ray began acting out in childhood, hiding a preference for pornography and violence from his family and peers. Six years old. She wanted him to stay in prison for his entire life. Ray is believed to be responsible for as many as 50 murders. Once inside his vehicle, Jessy and Ray clamped a metal dog collar around Kellis neck and transported her back to Bass Road. David Ray graduated high school with a D average in 1957. The deputies, Lucas Alvarez and David Elston, worked for the Sierra County Sheriffs Department. The cassette would also explain that Vigil was only to ever refer to him as "master" and that Hendy must only be called "mistress" and that she should not ever speak unless she was spoken to first. After the Capture: Where Is Kidnapping Victim Elizabeth Smart 19 Years After Being Rescued? Elephant Butte Lake, New Mexico. I wonder what the daughter/mother relationship is like today. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". For more information, please see our Since completing her degrees, she has decided to take a step back from academia to focus her career on writing and sharing history in a more accessible way.
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