And others might be easier to learn because youre exposed to them in one way or another. Since they share roots, theyre mutually intelligible to some extentsome sources say 60-70% in daily conversations. And once again exposure. There are some false cognates you should be careful about though. As well as looking and sounding similar, there are masses of resources out there to help you learn French, and it is spoken widely around the world. 33 Fun Things to Do in NYC: Unique & Unusual Activities, 21 Fun Things to Do in Central Park, New York City, 32 Romantic Things to Do in London for Couples, Villajoyosa: The Best Day Trip from Alicante, Spain, El Mercado de San Miguel, Madrids Famous Market: A Guide, Glossika Spanish Review: Very Repetitive, But Effective, How to Improve Your Language Teaching Methods, 18 Fun Facts about Finland (& Why I Love This Country). The tonal element of this language is perhaps the hardest aspect to get to grips with. Many of their words are very long with unfamiliar letters and letter sounds such as and . You need to find a good teacher or quality online language lessons. Persian is one of the Iranian languages, having been spoken in Iran for hundreds of years. Nowadays, Latin script is used, which is why native English speakers find it a little easier. An example is the large group of languages called the Indo-European language family. That is what makes it so wonderful. It is known as the "daughter language" to Dutch (it shares 90 to 95% of its vocabulary with the language. It shares many similarities with English, including a common alphabet, comparable sentence structure and familiar vocabulary. One aspect of German that English-speakers do tend to struggle with is the pronunciation, especially when it comes to longer compound words like Fremdschmen (cringe) or Verschlimmbessern (to worsen or exacerbate)., But while German might not be quite as easy for English-speakers to grasp as Dutch or Norwegian, it is an extremely useful language to learn, as its spoken by more than 100 million people throughout Central Europe, including in Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg.. However, once this alteration becomes natural to you, the ability of these words to flow off the tongue comes with a joy second to none! FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Some writing systems require writing from right to left, as opposed to the left to right method that Germanic languages (English, German, etc.) Dont worry according to FSIs language difficulty ranking, Portuguese is also in Category 1.
As well as this, the grammar rules are different from what we may be used to, as they follow the Subject Object Verb writing and speaking order. This makes it easier to get to grips with if you already have prior knowledge of any of them. The Finnish language often uses just one word to say a whole sentence, which can be confusing for those used to the complex sentences of the English language. This makes it a very unique language to write, speak and hear. That's because it's the closest language to English today, both in words and structure. If you want to learn Persian online, there are many great options available to you right at your fingertips. The multi-state system set up by Cyrus continued, including tax districts, infrastructure, communications, and transportation, all important to sustain such a massive expanse. So child is anak and children is anak-anak. Easy right?, Malay is spoken by more than 200 million people throughout Southeast Asia. Indonesian. Its spoken in Brazil and Portuguese, and although there are differences between the two, you can still get around in every Portuguese-speaking country. The grammar is similar to English, and many vocabulary words will sound familiar, like samme (same), ham (him) and op (up). For example, a high pitch means new information, a low pitch provides old information, low to high is used for contrast, and varying low and high tones brings doubt. Learn more at and start your first lesson today!
Being a native English speaker, what would be the easiest language to This is one of the reasons why Persian speakers sound so melodic when pronouncing words aloud. The 10 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers.
Top 10 Easiest Languages to Learn - TheTopTens In fact, everything from the pronunciation to the vocabulary may vary, depending on which type of Portuguese you are learning. Don't worry, we've got you covered with our top 15 hardest languages to learn for English speakers. Another Romance language you can start learning right away is Italian. Resources for learning Spanish are also very easy to come by, since it is so widely spoken all over the world. What is Valenciano & Where is the Language spoken? Many languages are similar to other languages. Persian is the easiest, and there is little dialectal difference compared to Arabic where each type is basically its own language, though as always in language learning, personal interest trumps everything else. Daily practices will help you to form your language learning into a habit. These letters are , , , , , , , and . Both the script and vocabulary system of this dialect is far from the modern version, with small, wedge-like lettering and a fusional language syntax system that mirrored other languages like Latin in using genders and noun cases. Another language that uses a similar style alphabet is Hebrew, which is also consonant-only. Its also gaining global popularity, and more and more people are looking for online Swahili lessons. As a Romance language, Spanish derives from Latin, just like many English words.
Top 5 Easiest Languages to Learn for Chinese Speakers It's spoken in South Africa, Namibia, and a few other countries. 1) Danish. However, that also depends on many other factors. Persias expansion lasted from the initial formation of the Empire in 550 BC, when Cyrus the Great founded it within Western Asia as the Achaemenid Empire. Thanks to the similarities to the English language, you already know quite a lot. With a good teacher or reliable Italian online lessons, youll learn how to order pizza in Italian in no time. You may even know some Spanish from high school, meaning you have some basic knowledge to build upon. However, if the writing style is very different from what you are used to then you may well struggle to get to grips with this at first. The most challenging part of learning Dutch is pronunciation, but thats nothing you cant master, especially if you have some experience in learning other languages. Some of them are phonetic, which means that reading and pronunciation shouldnt be a problem for you. Cognates are words in two languages that have the same origin and a similar pronunciation, spelling, and meaning. The last language on our list is Japanese. With Farsi being such a surprisingly easy language to learn, why not start your journey into its grammar, inflections, and wider Persian culture today. You might be surprised to find out that Finnish is a very unique language. Some shared cognates include katt which of course means cat, busk which means bush, and our personal favorite (because it is so simple but looks so much more pleasing to the eye than our boring spelling) sn which means snow. Afrikaans 9. As a result, they are often easier for English speakers to pick up than languages with different structures, such as Russian or Mandarin Chinese. Whilst Turkish has used the Latin script for almost 100 years, it is still a very difficult language to grasp for English speakers because of the sheer volume of learning and memorization of grammatical rules required. Both Thai and Chinese are tonal languages. With many languages not connected to the Latin alphabet, you'll need 1,100 hours of practice to proficiently speak Category III languages, according to Rosetta Stone. Romanian 8. But its simplicity warrants an inclusion. Italian: Italian is the easiest language for Spanish speakers to learn. This app So many languages are arguably easier to pick up than others for English speakers. Above all, have fun. This may be because it is influenced in many ways by English and some of the more familiar Romance languages. Swedish is spoken by somewhere around 10 million people, and while most of them live in Sweden, a small minority can be found in Finland, where Swedish is also a national language., Swedish is on the easier side for English speakers to learn, because again, its a Germanic language. Less than 22 percent of the U.S. population speaks a language other than . So, vocabulary is the first element of learning Spanish that you wont have problems with. The Spanish language is phonetic (meaning the spelling tells you the pronunciation of the word). It is not widely spoken and resources for it are sparse compared to other languages on this list. That being said, perhaps that is a good thing. Nevertheless, with lots of practice and a desire to learn, it is more than achievable. Read up on the cultures associated with the languages to see which sound most fun to learn about. However, some languages are generally considered less demanding for English speakers. There is also a welcome lack of verb conjugation, which is great news for learners, especially since this means that the sentence structure stays simple and short. We have history to thank for this. Many people are put off learning new languages that require a different alphabet, such as Greek or Arabic. This is because of the complex writing systems in Japan. Thats why Norwegian words like morgen, glass, and papir sound so familiar. The first of the two means a lock whereas the second means a castle. In addition to Farsi speakers in the Middle East, there is evidence of linguistic transmission all the way to the Western world. The sounds created in the language are challenging for beginners as it is so culturally distanced from what you may be used to. In our search for the most agreed upon easiest languages to learn, we visited 10 "expert" sites and looked for the most recommended languages. Cudoo also offers 3 levels of Farsi (at $12.99 each) which is a helpful starting point. Here are the five easiest languages to learn for Arabic speakers. Finnish is an interesting language to feature on this list because most people may assume that it would belong to the Indo-European family. This was the empire of Cyrus the Great, of Darius and Xerxes, and of the elite forces who fought the 300 Spartans within the pass of Thermopylae during the Greco-Persian Wars. That is a huge amount of time, and even then you will only be at intermediate, conversational level.
Top 10 Easiest Languages To Learn | Mondly Blog Download: Some of them are members of the Germanic family of languages so they share quite a bit of vocab with English. Download our free German essentials eBook to see the similarities. For example, FluentU helps you learn languages by adding interactive subtitles to thousands of videos, allowing you to see the language used in context and click on words and grammar structures you dont know. It is similar in many ways to other languages that native English speakers find easier to learn, such as Spanish and French. . Once again, similarities in vocabulary make things a whole lot easier. Indonesian is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 40 million native speakers and more than 150 million non-native speakers. YOU CAN NOW LEARN A LANGUAGE FAST BY WATCHING TV SHOWS AND MOVIES! Therefore, it is relatively easy for all speakers to learn, regardless of their native language. Frisian was once the primary language of what during the Middle Ages was known as Frisia. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. is pronounced as Poo vay voo. can take anywhere. However, the language family it belongs to is the relatively small Kartvelian. Founder of Linguatics. You just need to get used to it. Other languages may have unique and new sounds, compared with the sounds you know from your own language and alphabet. Learners need to learn a whole new alphabet and character system to understand Russian. Ask them honestly whether they would mind helping you as you learn their language. All Rights Reserved. Even so, French is still one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn. It is thought that the language may begin to rise in popularity, though, since it is featured on the popular language immersion app, Duolingo. The Korean hangul will need to be memorized when you first begin to learn the language. From online lessons to books, here is a full discussion of where to look for help when you want to learn this new language. Download our freeSpanish essentials eBook to help you get started. For an immersive Farsi language experience, download StoryTime in Farsi or Farsi Speaking Kids, but be prepared for a more advanced level of language learning without direct English translations. Yes, we are being serious! Languages that are more closely related to English share certain qualities and characteristics that make them easier for English speakers to pick up. Manage Settings
The 10 Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers However, it could not be further from English. So the way it's written is the way it's said. Politeness is very important in Japan and so this must be demonstrated through language in the way you address people. Like Welsh, Gaelic is another language that comes from Britain and so is very close geographically to England. The very easiest for you to learn, though, is the one you're most excited to learn. The sounds they use are also very different from English and can leave you feeling tongue-tied. You wont have to spend a lot of time developing reading skills. These minuscule differences can transform the meaning entirely. 1 Language and diplomacy 2 Easiest (about 600 hours of study) 3 German (750 hours) 4 Malay and Swahili (900 hours) 5 Hungarian (1,100 hours) 6 Greek (1,100 hours) The grammar used in the Finnish language is complex, with around 15 grammatical cases and countless word endings. By doing this you can hear whether you are pronouncing things correctly and will be able to compare them to audio of native speakers. And with the Sasanians, a new Persian dynasty emerging after 200 AD, Modern Persian was able to form. It is a vibrant, fluid, and ancient language, that ignites passion and intrigue in researchers, teachers, and those who want to learn how to speak it. This is partly down to the fact that Indonesian is a phonetic language, which means words are spelled as they sound. More than 9 million people are native speakers of Tigrinya as of 2012. Language types and writing systems There are hundreds of French cognates in English. Swedish 5. Under Xerxes, Persia took over large parts of Northern and Central Greece in the 480s BC, and the Empire was only shaken by the conquest of Alexander the Great by 330 BC. 15 Spanish Pick Up Lines That Wont Let You Down! For example, if you are learning Korean, find yourself some Korean movies or TV shows to watch. This is where, to keep the sounds in harmony, suffixes are added to words. But, as with many foreign languages, its often simply a matter of getting some practice in. Persian is an important language of the Middle East and Central Asia, spoken by over 100 million people and ranked among the world's top 20 most widely spoken languages. Russian is the largest of all of the languages in the Slavic family and is spoken widely in the country and around the world. One important concept that can affect whether a language is learned easily by a native English speaker is the grammatical framework. There are some key grammatical rules that must be followed, such as the inclusion of suffixes on words, particularly verbs. This selection may also come as a surprise, but Indonesian has several qualities that make it a logical choice for English speakers. Passionate multilinguist. There are some shared cognates such as ' ja ' which means ' yes ' and ' veld ' which means ' field '. Here are nine of the easiest languages to learn for Spanish speakers: 1. However, not only is it rewarding to form a friendship in this way, but it can also be beneficial to your learning journey. Even so, French does share many similarities with English, especially when it comes to the vocabulary. This dialect was very similar to Semitic languages and actually used Aramaic script for its alphabet. You can't get much easier than this. I have read the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, Online English self-study + private lessons, Online Spanish self-study + private lessons, 15 of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers - ranked. This language was invented by a few linguists who were also great global citizens. FluentU brings a language to life with real-world videos. Amharic Amharic is the first language of Amharas, an ethnic group from the Highlands of Ethiopia. But according to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), French is a category 1 language. Some languages do not use the alphabet as we know it. Dutch is another language that is generally considered easy to learn for English native speakers. Of course, as with any language, there will be lots of new vocabulary to learn, but if you need to spend any amount of time in Southeast Asia, its an excellent second language to have under your belt., Swahili is a Bantu language and another very useful second language to have, as its widely used in East Africa, including in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania.
Easiest Languages to Learn for English Speakers - A person of authority will have a different word ending to a normal person when someone is addressing them. Get 70% off + 10 languages + 14 day free trial. For this reason, many native English speakers may find that these languages are a little easier to learn than a language such as Chinese Mandarin or Arabic. For example, it is spoken in Iran and called Farsi. Norwegian 6. There are some shared cognates such as ja which means yes and veld which means field. Danish 3. In the 11th century, the Norman invasion of England led . German has masculine, feminine, and neutral nouns to learn, along with conjugating verbs and a syntax that must be followed, or else the meaning can be lost. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The only barrier you need to overcome is yourself. It has 47 different characters that must all be learned before you can fully get to grips with the language.